14.1 The Licensee shall develop
maintenance schedules of lines and sub-station equipment in conformity with I.E. Rules and
relevant CBI & P manuals.
14.2 The Licensee shall establish a
hierarchy for implementation of the maintenance standards and its monitoring.
14.3 No EHT line shall suffer total
interruption for more than 175 hours in a year including planned outages but excluding
Force Majeur causes.
14.4 No HT supply at points of
interconnection shall suffer total interruption for more than 310 hours in a year
including planned outages and excluding Force Majeur causes.
14.5 For the purposes of reducing inventory,
procurement time, installation time, the Licensee shall adopt
standardised designs for Transmission Line Towers, Structures for sub-stations,
standardise layouts for sub-stations, sub-station lighting, Control Room lighting and
ventilation, sub-station earthing, prepare standard specifications for line materials,
transformers, sub-station equipment, Cables, Bus bar accessories, insulators and
hardwares, etc.
14.6 For convenience of maintenance, repairs and
replacement, of line equipment and sub-station equipment, the Licensee
shall develop and observe a policy on spare parts.
14.7 The Licensee shall establish
Electrical Testing Laboratories of its own, equipped for Routine Testing of Relays,
Meters, Current-Transformers, Potential Transformer, Condenser Bushing, and other
electrical accessories used in sub-stations in accordance with relevant Indian Standards
and Manufactures instructions.
14.8 The Licensee shall establish
testing organisations under its control, staffed with qualified, trained and skilled
persons and equipped with all necessary testing equipment, power supply etc. for
conducting field tests and Commissioning tests of sub-station equipment such as
Transformer, Circuit Breaker, Current Transformer, Potential Transformer, Station Battery,
relays and meters, Control Wiring, Cables, Lightning Arrester, sub-station
earthing, etc.
14.9 The Licensee shall maintain in
good order and condition all necessary equipment, tools, tackles, etc. for carrying out
maintenance of lines and sub-stations equipment and ensure their availability at all
14.10 The Licensee shall carry out periodical
inspection of all lines and sub-stations in its Transmission system, through an
independent inspection team, qualified for the purpose, to ensure that maintenance of
lines and sub-stations are carried out as per maintenance schedules.
Data for Operation and Studies
(With reference to Para 2 of Section-4)
All data should be on 100 MVA base.
1. Line data for all lines of 132 kV level and above
From Bus No. :
From Bus Name :
To Bus No. :
To Bus Name :
Volt. Level (kV) :
Ckts No. :
Line length (KM) :
Conductor size & No. of conductors per phase :
Pos. seq Resistance/KM (in p.u.) :
Pos. seq Reactance/KM (in p.u.) :
Pos. seq Half Line susceptance/KM (in p.u.) :
Zero seq Resistance/KM (in p.u.) :
Zero seq Reactance/KM (in p.u.) :
Zero seq Half Line susceptance/KM (in p.u.) :
Line Capacity (AMPS) (specify Amb. Temp °C and Temp rise over amb. in
Line Reactors (if any) (at both ends) MVAR :
Year of commissioning :
2. Transformer data for all 400/220 kV, 400/132 kV and 220/132 kV auto
transformers and Generator Transformers.
From Bus No. :
From Bus Name :
To Bus No. :
To Bus Name :
Voltage on HV side :
Voltage on LV side :
No. of Transformers :
Resistance (in p.u.) :
Reactance (in p.u.) :
Tap setting :
Nominal Tap :
Tap step :
Tap range :
Transformer Type (2 or 3 wdg. Vector Group) :
Rating of transformer (MVA) :
Year of commissioning :
Special data for 3 winding transformer
Impedance between (p.u.)
Voltage on HV side :
Voltage on MV side :
Voltage on LV side :
Loading capability of tertiary, (if any) :
Grounding impedance in p.u. :
(if the neutral of the star is grounded)
3. Bus Data
Bus No. :
Name of Bus :
Bus Voltage (kV) :
Gen. Bus/Load Bus :
Pgen (MOO) :
Qgen (MVAR) :
Pload (MOO) :
Qload (MVAR) :
V obtained for Gen. Bus :
MVAR Capability Curve for generators :
Shunt Reactor, if any :
Shunt Capacitor, if any :
4. A) Generator Data :
Capacity - MVA*, MW, MVAR (Minimum) & MVAR (Maximum)
Generator voltage in kV Nominal, minimum, maximum
Sequence impedances of winding on its 'OWN' base/ Grounding impedance
Direct axis
- Synchronous reactance
- transient reactance
- sub-transient reactance
Quadrature axis
- Synchronous reactance
- transient reactance
- sub-transient reactance
Inertia constant in MW-SEC/MVA
Damping constant
Armature resistance
Armature leakage reactance
Direct axis
- transient time constant
- sub-transient time constant
Quadrature axis
- transient time constant
- sub-transient time constant
* Maximum Continuous Rating
B) Turbine
Type of Turbine i.e. Hydro/Steam, Francis, Kaplan etc.
Block diagram of turbine model along with the values of gain constants & time
Turbine damping constant Kd.
Speed of machine, nominal speed.
Any other constants/specifications as described in the block diagram of turbine model.
C) Exciter
a. Block diagram of Exciter model along with the values of gain and
time constant like :
Voltage regulator gain and time constant
Main Excitor gain and time constant
Stabilising loop/closed loop gain and time constant.
b. Power system stabiliser data.
D) Speed Governors
Block diagram of Speed Governor model (hydro/steam) along with the values of gain
and time constant.
Max. & Min. Valve position limits
Effective speed governing system gain
Valve Servo time constant
5. Demand Data for all 220 kV & 132 kV sub-stations
1. Weekly MW/MVAR load details
MW/MVAR loadings should indicate the percentage of Agricultural load,
Industrial load, domestic load & Commercial load separately.
2. Name of sub-station :
Typical Daily Load Curve (for week day and weekend)
Each Generating Units - Generation MW
All 400/220 kV Line flow - MW and MVAR
All 400/220 kV Transformer flow - MW and MVAR
All 220/132 kV Transformer flow - MW and MVAR
Bus Voltages at 400 kV, 220 kV buses
Tap positions - 400/220 kV, 400/132 kV & 220/132 kV Transformers.
Status of Circuit Breaker positions of all 400 kV, 220 kV and 132 kV
lines, transformers, generators.