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Licensing (Repealed)

S.L No. Description Attachments
1. The Orissa Distribution and Retail Supply Licence, 1999 (WESCO)(No.4/99)
The Orissa Distribution and Retail Supply Licence, 1999 (CESCO)*
The Orissa Distribution and Retail Supply Licence, 1999 (NESCO)*
The Orissa Distribution and Retail Supply Licence, 1999 (SOUTHCO)*
* Text similar to Licence issued to WESCO, hence not on website)
2. The Orissa Distribution and Retail Supply License, 1997 (1/97) Download
3. The Orissa Transmission and Bulk Supply License, 1997 (2/97) Download
4. Order on Trading Licence (Case No. 2/2007) Download