13.(1) The Grid Corporation of
Orissa Limited incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 with effect
from the Pith day of April, 1995 with the main objects of engaging in the business of
procurement, transmission and bulk supply of electric energy, shall subject to the powers
of the State Government under
section 12, be the
principal company to undertake planning and coordination in regard to transmission and to
determine the electricity requirements in the State in coordination with the Generating
Companies, State Government, contiguous States, the Commission, the Regional Electricity
Board and the Central Electricity Authority.
(2) Gridco shall own the extra high voltage transmission system, shall
be responsible for transmission system operations and shall operate the power system in an
efficient manner.
(3) Gridco shall undertake the functions specified in this section and
such other functions as may be required under the licence to be granted to it by the
Commission under this Act.
(4) Upon the grant of licence to Gridco under
section 15, Gridco shall discharge such powers, duties and
functions of the Board including those under the Indian Electricity Act, 1910 and the
Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 or the rules framed thereunder as the Commission may
specify in the licence and it shall undertake and duly discharge the powers, duties and
functions so assigned.
5) Subject to sub-section (1) and the overall supervision and
control of Gridco, subsidiary or associated grid companies may be established in the State
and the Commission may grant licences under the terms of this Act to such grid companies,
in consultation with Gridco. |