Sub: Previous publication of OERC
(Intra-State ABT) Regulations, 2006.
In exercise of the powers conferred under
sub-sections(2)(zi) and (zp)of Section 181 of the
Electricity Act, 2003(36 0f 2003) and all other powers
enabling it in that behalf, the Orissa Electricity
Regulatory Commission has prepared a draft Regulations
OERC(Intra-State ABT) Regulations, 2006, for
implementation of the Available Based Tariff (ABT) in
the State of Orissa. The text of the aforesaid draft
Regulations is available in the Commission’s website The copy of the draft Regulations may be
obtained from the office of the Commission on payment of
necessary fees.
Any persons/institutions/organisations interested to
offer their views/suggestions/objections on the
aforesaid draft Regulations may submit the same to the
undersigned in the above address by hand/fax/post within
30 days of publication of this notice.
After considering the responses received, the Commission
may, in appropriate cases, bring the necessary
modifications to the aforesaid Regulations and finalise
the same for publication in Official Gazette.
By Order of the Commission
Date: 26th October 2006.