CASE NO. 4 of 1997
ORDER NO. 009, DATED 12th MARCH, 1997
Shri A.R.Mohanty, Member
Shri D.K.Roy, Member
This order relates to application filed by The Grid Corporation of
Orissa Limited (GRIDCO, for short) with regard to determination of revenue requirements
for the financial year 1997-98 and fixation of tariff.
2.1 Chapter VIII of the Orissa Electricity
Reform Act, 1995 deals with tariff. Section 26
in the said Chapter not only lays down a fairly elaborate procedure but also outlines the
parameters within which the licensee will have to calculate its expected aggregate revenue
from charges for the ensuing financial year. Gridco is the only licensee and hence
guidelines for calculation of tariff for financial year 1997-98 were issued from the
office of the Commission to Gridco by a letter dt. 23.11.96. The guideline included
formats for filing tariff proposal. These formats interalia related to important financial
parameters like O&M expenses, establishment expenses, administrative and general
expenses, working capital, depreciation, interest on borrowing, capital base as per the
sixth schedule of Electricity Supply Act, 1948. The Commission also notified on 28th
November '96 the Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Conduct of Business) Regulation in which procedure regarding tariffs were
incorporated at Clauses
111 to 117. The Regulation was subsequently published in the Orissa Gazette
No. 1413 dated December 30, 1996. The Commission had also issued a procedural
guideline to the Gridco. The said guideline indicated methodology and procedure as well as
prescribed the terms and conditions for determination of the licensee's revenues and
2.2 A proposal under Sub-section
4 of Section 26 of the OER Act, 1995 was received on 26.12.96
from Grid Corporation of Orissa Limited giving details of calculation of estimated revenue
requirements for 1997-98 and charges proposed to be collected from various categories of
Consumers of Electricity. Subsequently some additional information were also furnished by
Gridco. After preliminary examination of the aforesaid papers certain clarifications and
additional information was called for from Gridco who were specifically informed that the
Commission would take up the tariff proposal for final processing only after all the
information was furnished. The Gridco sent a revised proposal through letter dated
28.01.97 from the Director (Transmission and Distribution).
2.3 A notice was published by the Commission in three local newspapers
on two consecutive days outlining the tariff proposal and calling for objections from
interested persons. The objectors were required to submit their objections in 4 copies to
the Commission with the 5th copy of the said objection to be served on Sri B.P. Rekhani,
S.E. (Commerce) of GRIDCO. The notice called on the interested parties to peruse further
details of the proposal in the office of the Gridco so as to enable them to submit their
objections by 18th February, 1997. It also stipulated that objectors, if they so wish,
should indicate their desire to be heard in person. All 41 objectors who expressed desire
for personal hearing by stipulated date were admitted for hearing. In addition to the said
41 admitted for personal hearing, written objections were received from 22 persons by the
stipulated date.
2.4 Commission in its Order No. 352 dt. 03.02.97
published a notice informing that a hearing on the proposal of tariff would take place on
21st February'97. The notice also stated that the subsequent dates of hearing would be
declared by the Commission in course of the hearing on 21st February.
2.5 The public hearing was held on 21st February in the office of the
Commission. At the outset, the unique and unprecedented nature of a hearing with regard to
a public utility matter was outlined. It was explained that the hearing had been fixed for
the purpose of consultation with consumer groups in accordance with Section 10 (5) of the Act. The
Gridco as well as objectors were requested to confine themselves only to issues relevant
for tariff proceeding so that the Commission would be able to arrive at a just and proper
decision on the tariff proposal. Some preliminary objections were raised mainly on the
grounds that sufficient opportunity had not been granted to objectors and full details
have not been furnished by the Gridco. The objectors demanded that all papers,
calculations and evidence given to the Commission by Gridco should be furnished to them
and sufficient time should be allowed thereafter so that objectors could place all the
2.6 The Commission heard the learned Advocates, Mr. K.N. Jena, Mr. L.
Pangari and Mr. Rajat Kumar Rath who claimed that the Commission could not go ahead with
the hearing. After listening to the submission made by these objectors, the Commission
declared that it would deliver its judgment on the preliminary objection in the afternoon
of the same day.
2.7 When the Commission met in the afternoon, an order of the
Commission was read over holding that there was no substance in the objections made by the
aforesaid three distinguished representatives and that the hearing would have to be taken
up. The said order read as under:
"At the initial stage of hearing today with reference to the
tariff application, preliminary objections were raised by three objectors who expressed
the desire that the formal order of the Commission on these issues should be delivered
before the Commission proceeds with the hearing on the merits of the tariff application.
The Commission heard Mr. K.N. Jena, speaking on behalf of Orissa Consumers Association,
Sri L. Pangari representative of IPI Steel Limited and Sri Rajat Kumar Rath, Advocate
representing Orissa Sponge Iron Ltd. These objections had also been indicated in the
written submissions submitted in response to the public notice of the hearing. These have,
therefore, received the attention of the Commission. Further, the arguments and objections
advanced before us have been heard. These have been carefully considered. The issues
raised and orders of the Commission on them are as follows.
The first objection is that Commission has not been properly
constituted. In support of this objection, it was stated that the Commission is presently
composed of two members and is without a Chairman and therefore, it is not a full-fledged
Commission. It was argued that in the absence of the Chairman, the Commission was not
entitled to conduct its proceedings.
The Commission is unable to find any validity in this objection in view
of clear and specific provisions of the law at sub-sections (4) and (5) of Section 3 which
are as under :
Sub-section (4) of Section 3: When the Chairman of the
Commission is unable to discharge the functions owing to absence, illness or any other
cause, the senior most member of the Commission shall discharge the functions of the
Chairman, until the day on which the Chairman assumes the charge of his functions.
Sub-section (5) of Section 3: No act or proceedings of the
Commission shall be invalid by reason only of the existence of any vacancy among its
members or any defect in the constitution thereof.
It is also noted by the Commission that sub-section (4) of Section 9 stipulates that quorum
for the meeting of the Commission shall be two. In view of these provisions, the
Commission considers that there is no bar for holding proceedings of the Commission with
two members including the senior member Sri A.R.Mohanty acting as Chairman and discharging
the functions as the Chairman under sub-sections (3)
and (4) of Section 3 of the OER Act, 1995.
The second objection was that sufficient notice has not been given to
the affected parties and therefore, the proceedings should not be continued. In this
connection, it was argued that giving only seven days time to peruse the papers and making
it obligatory to come to Gridco's office for perusal of the application was a hindrance
for the affected parties to get sufficient notice. It was also argued that all papers,
documents, statistics and references in respect of the tariff proposal were not made
available and therefore the affected parties did not get sufficient opportunity. Two weeks
time for submitting objections was also stated to be not sufficient.
The Commission has carefully considered all aspects regarding granting
of sufficient opportunity for all the affected parties. The Commission is bound by the
statute to confirm to certain time limit. In this particular tariff proceeding for the
Financial Year 1997-98 all the legal requirements, proper scrutiny and analysis have to be
completed and decision of the Commission has to be conveyed to the Gridco well in time, so
as to enable it to give a public notice of tariff seven days before the end of current
Financial Year. Keeping these statutory requirements and other activities of the
Commission in view, total time of sixteen days allowed for perusal and submission of the
objection is considered adequate.
The third preliminary objection is with regard to infirmity of the
proceeding due to non-notification of the Regulation for conduct of proceeding and for
laying down the parameters for tariff proposal. In this connection, it was claimed that
the Commission has not discharged its function in framing Regulations for conduct of its
proceedings and discharge of its functions as required by sub-section (2) of Section 9 read with Section 54 of the OER Act, 1995.
It was also claimed that the tariff proceeding is illegal because the Commission has not
yet prescribed the terms and conditions for determination of the licensee's revenues and
tariff as required under sub-section (2) of Section
26 of the OER Act, 1995.
The Commission finds no validity in this objection in view of the fact
that the Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of
Business) Regulation, 1996 has been framed, notified on 28th November, 1996 and has
been published in the Orissa Gazette No. 1413 dated December 30, 1996.
The said Regulation includes the methodology of tariff proposal.
The next objection relates to the locus standi of Gridco and the
validity of its application for tariff.
On the basis of sub-section (4) of
Section 14 of the OER Act, 1995, the Gridco had been issued a
provisional license by the Govt. of Orissa vide letter dated 31.03.96. For all purposes,
therefore, Gridco is a licensee under the OER Act, 1995. Further,
the Commission observes that it is not only that Gridco has to be considered a licensee
but, Gridco is bound by law under Section 26 (4)
to submit details of calculation for the ensuing Financial Year regarding revenue and
tariff. This provision of the law enables Gridco to submit the tariff proposal for 1997-98
and obliges the Commission to consider the same for taking its decision.
Another objection raised was that Gridco is not entitled to submit
proposal of tariff within one year.
The Commission has noted that the present tariff proposal relates to
Financial Year 1997-98 and therefore, the proposal is in order. The provisions of law
refer to Financial Year and does not refer to a period of twelve months.
Objections were raised with regard to consultations with the Commission
Advisory Committee on tariff matters.
The Commission Advisory Committee has been duly constituted as required
under Section 32 of the OER Act,
1995 and the Commission has already initiated the process of consultation with the
Commission Advisory Committee.
Another issue raised by the objectors is with regard to the status of
the Commission. It was stated that the Commission was a Court in view of the provisions of
OER Act, 1995 and therefore the Commission has to observe all the
formalities and obliged to grant unlimited time to objectors for presenting the facts
before it. In this connection, it was also claimed that copy of Gridco's application and
all details should have been served on the parties and in this view of procedure, the
objector could not be asked to peruse files and collect the information from the GRIDCO.
The Commission cannot agree with the above interpretation of the law.
Under Section 10 (1) of the Act,
the Commission has been given powers of a Civil Court under the code of Civil Procedure,
1908 only with regard to six specified areas. Similarly under the provision of Section 52, the proceeding of the Commission shall be
deemed to be judicial proceeding only for specified provisions of the Code of Criminal
Procedure. The Commission has no doubt in its mind that it is a quasi-judicial body which
is obliged to observe the procedure and formalities of legal procedure so as to the afford
reasonable opportunity and to make final finding of facts and at the same time it has the
authority to lay down its own procedure so as to avoid needless legal trappings. The
legislature in its wisdom has constituted a Commission which is designed to have certain
trapping of the Court and yet the flexibility of a quasi-judicial body so that it can get
into all relevant issues and take a decision on legal, technical and accounting issues in
an objective manner without delay but keeping in mind the interest of the Consumers, the
Electricity Industry and the overall interest of the State. The Commission has accordingly
prescribed its own procedure for which it has been authorized by the Act to do so. The
essential distinction between a Civil Court as a part of regular hierarchy of judiciary
and quasi-judicial tribunal entrusted with adjudicatory function outside that hierarchy
emphasized in a number of pronouncement of the apex court has not to be lost sight of.
Objection has been raised with regard to adequacy of information
supplied. It has been claimed by learned objector Sri K.N. Jena that the proceeding should
not be continued without supplying the documents listed by him.
The Commission has gone through the elaborate list and finds that it is
neither practicable nor essential for GRIDCO to make all the listed documents available to
the Objectors. The Commission will go through all relevant documents and accounts as
considered necessary. The Commission is aware of its responsibility in this regard. The
objection cannot be admitted.
The Commission, therefore, does not admit any of the above preliminary
objections raised by the objectors and the Commission orders that the proceeding should
2.8 The above said decision was also challenged and the Commission was
called upon to grant permission to file appeal to the Hon'ble High Court and to stay the
proceedings for a reasonable period giving a chance to the objectors to move the Hon'ble
High Court. The Members of the Commission considered the request and could not accede to
the request for adjournment of the hearing. The Commission felt that the objectors had not
been able to appreciate the nature and scope of the proceeding and were wrongly presuming
it to be a case of adversarial nature. Hearing was neither a pre-requisite nor was it
contemplated in the OER Act, 1995. The Act at Section 10 (5) enabled the Commission to consult affected
groups "to the extent the Commission considers appropriate" and it is in
this perspective that the hearing had been arranged. The time bound nature of Commission's
task with regard to fixation of tariff did not permit the Commission to postpone and to
have prolonged elaborate hearings before passing its order on the tariff application. For
emphasis we may rely on the following statements of law in A.S. de Smith, Judicial Review
of Administrative Action, as quoted with approval by Hon'ble Justice Bhagwati in (Smt.)
Maneka Gandhi V. Union of India AIR 1978 SC 597:
.Since the life of the law is not logic but experience and
every legal proposition must, in the ultimate analysis, be tested on the touchstone of
pragmatic realism, the audi alteram partem rule would, by the experimental test, be
excluded, if importing the right to be heard has the effect of paralyzing the
administrative process demands.....What opportunity may be regarded as reasonable would
necessarily depend on the practical necessities of the situation. It may be a
sophisticated full-fledged hearing or it may be a hearing which is very brief and minimal:
it may be a hearing prior to the decision or it may even be post-decisional remedial
hearing. The audi al teram partem rule is sufficiently flexible to permit
modifications and variations to suit the exigencies of myriad kinds of situations which
may arise.........".
In this perspective the Commission clarified that because of the
special nature of the proceedings and the time bound nature of the proceeding, it was not
considered desirable to postpone the hearing. The Commission declared that a formal order
to this effect would be delivered next morning and that, in the meanwhile, the proceeding
had to continue.
2.9 The substative part of the hearing was taken up thereafter and
continued in the same afternoon and on the next day, the 22nd, as well as in the forenoon
of 24th when it was concluded. Before going over to the substative part, it is appropriate
to mention the text of the order mentioned at pare 2.8 which was formally read over during
the course of hearing on the next day:
"This order is with reference to three applications filed asking
for time to go in appeal against the order passed by the Commission on 21st February
rejecting the preliminary objections. Two identical applications have been moved by Sri
K.N. Jena on behalf of Orissa Consumer Association and Sri Naba Kishore Mohapatra
representing for the Trust for Research and Public Aid. Another application as a sequel to
his oral submission was made by Sri Rajat Kumar Rath, Advocate representing, Orissa Sponge
Iron Limited.
The Petitioners have stated that they were not satisfied with order of
the Commission rejecting the preliminary objections and, therefore, they intend to go in
appeal before the Hon'ble High Court for which time should be granted. It has been claimed
by two of the objectors that with pre-judged mind the Commission is bent upon adjudicating
on the application of the licensee with prejudice and hence they would not like to
participate in the proceedings.
The Commission has carefully considered the facts stated in the
application as well as oral submissions made for grant of time for appeal and for
deferring the hearing of tariff application. The Commission has considered each one of the
preliminary objections and has given its finding to the effect that there is no validity
in any of the objections raised. The Commission feels that the objections have no solid
basis and therefore there is no justification to adjourn the hearing and thereby put the
tariff proceeding on the back burner. The postponement of tariff proceeding at this stage
for the financial year 1997-98 will create insurmountable problem for implementation of
the provisions of the OER Act, 1995 and will jeopardize the
management of the electricity industry in the state in an efficient, economic and
competitive manner which is one of the main aims of the Act.
The Commission is bound by provisions of Chapter
VIII of the OER Act, 1995 to conclude the tariff proceedings for
financial 1997-98 and convey its decision on the tariff proposal well in time to enable
the Gridco to submit calculation in conformity with the order passed by the Commission.
The said calculation has to be examined by the Commission and after the decision of the
Commission on the same it has to be published in the newspapers at least one week before
the end of current financial year. If the hearing is postponed the tariff cannot be
finalised for 1997-98 in time.
The existing tariff for 1996-97 will remain valid till 31.03.97 because
it is a part of the provisional licence which expires on 31.03.97. Therefore if the tariff
for financial 1997-98 cannot be finalised as per schedule drawn up by the Commission,
there will be no legal basis for any tariff for the sale of electricity on and from
Section 26 of the OER Act, 1995 lays down detailed procedure for the tariff proceeding
for the ensuing financial year. GRIDCO's proposal for tariff have been filed in procedural
conformity with the methodology laid down by the Commission and hence the Commission is
bound to consider the application and take a decision on the same. In terms of Section 26(4) of OER Act, 1995
the Commission has to examine, deliberate upon and take a decision whether to accept
reject or modify and if so to what extent. Keeping in view the time available to the
Commission and its schedule for the remaining part of the current financial year, the
Commission has granted as much reasonable opportunity as in possible for finalizing the
tariff. The Commission is keenly conscious of the parameters laid down in Sub-section 2 of Section 26 of the Act
which enjoins on the Commission to give due importance to all the three factors namely the
financial principles in the Electricity Supply Act, the factors which would encourage
efficiency, economic use of the resources, etc. and the interest of the Consumers. The
Commission feels that the special nature of a proceeding relating to a public utility must
be appreciated and it has to be ensured that objections are not admitted which will affect
not only the financial and economic factors but also the overall interest of the
Consumers. It is felt by the Commission that though the objection has been raised by on
behalf of some consumers association, admitting the same objection would adversely affect
overall interest of the consumers and will affect supply and distribution of an essential
public utility service like electricity.
The Commission would also like to note that in accordance with Section 10(5) of the OER Act, 1995,
the Commission is required to consult to the extent the Commission considers appropriate
from time to time such persons or groups of person who may be affected or likely to be
affected by the decisions of the Commission. The Commission has carefully considered the
extent to which it is appropriate and practicable to extend the process of consultation
for finalizing decisions as a quasi-judicial authority. Reasonable opportunity has been
granted to as many interested parties as possible and no objection has been summarily
brushed aside. The validity of all objections have been carefully considered and orders
In the circumstances, the Commission finds no justification to delay or
defer the hearing which is ordered to be resumed."
3.1 The GRIDCO's proposal envisages sale of 6380 MUs of electricity during 1997-98. In
order to meet this demand GRIDCO proposes to purchase 11000 MUs on the assumption that the
total Transmission and Distribution losses will be restricted to 42% (as against present
level of loss of about 47%). The financial implications were as under (in crores of
Estimated cost of power(11,000 M.U.)
Expenditure on transmission and distribution
Return on equity (at 17% of capital base)
Total revenue requirement
Less Aggregate of expected revenue from
charges as per tariffs proposed for 1997-98
Uncovered gap
3.2 At the outset of the hearing the Commission called upon
Gridco to substantiate its projections, calculations and proposal for tariff for 1997-98,
Mr. B.C. Jena, Director (Transmission & Distribution) presented the proposal. He
reiterated the facts and figures given in GRIDCO's proposal and highlighted the essential
features. He also dwelt on the objections, copies of which had been sent to GRIDCO.
3.3 The GRIDCO has not proposed any change in the categorization of
consumers. No significant change has been proposed in other aspects also. But, the
proposed tariff is at a higher level than existing at present. On an average the increase
is higher by 19.53% over the present level. GRIDCO's proposal has a lesser financial
impact on heavy industry, power intensive industry, railway traction and large industries
with a contract demand of 110 KVA and above ostensibly because the existing level of
tariff in these categories is comparatively high. The GRIDCO explained that efforts are
being made as far as possible to have the same tariff rates at the same voltage of supply
irrespective of the categories of consumers except in case of domestic and irrigation
categories. It was noted by the Commission that there was an uncovered gap of about Rs.407
3.4 According to GRIDCO, the need for a tariff revision with effect
from 01.04.97 arose primarily out of the steep rise in the purchase cost of power. This
stood at Rs.354.94 crores in 94-95 but went upto almost double that amount viz. Rs.659.64
crores in 95-96. In the current year 96-97 the cost of power is anticipated to be Rs.954
crores and it is likely to go upto about Rs.1225 crores in 1997-98. Even after the tariff
revision of May, 1996, GRIDCO sustained a loss on every unit of energy sold on account of
the difference between the cost of energy supplied and the revenue realised. Mr. Jena
stated that it was very important that the situation is rectified at the earliest. He
stated that rising costs have compelled almost all Electricity Boards and Utilities to go
in for tariff revision in the last few months. These include Utter Pradesh, Karnataka,
Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, CESC and West Bengal.
3.5 Mr. Jena dwelt at length on the objection that there was unduly
high T&D loss due to GRIDCO's inefficiency and hence the cost of inefficiency should
not be borne by consumers. He said that the T&D loss per se had never been precisely
calculated either by OSEB or GRIDCO though the reports published periodically by the
Central Electricity Authority have put such losses for Orissa at around 23% to 24%.
Similar figures also appear against "system losses" in the various
Administration Reports of GRIDCO. The Audited Accounts of OSEB, however, went into this
matter in some detail. Audit has commented at the end of the Statement of Accounts for
1990-91 that the transmission & distribution losses are 45.3% though in the relevant
Statements in the Report the figure was put at 23.93%. Similarly Audit has commented in
the Reports for 1991-92 and 1992-93 that the total losses are 44.8% and 45.01%
respectively. The corresponding figure for the Audited Statement of Accounts for 1994-95
is 46.54%. The statutory power restrictions which were in force for several years were
finally lifted in July, 1994 and thereafter the quantum of energy available in the system
went up and along with it, the system losses as well as commercial losses. A substantial
injection of funds into the system by way of systems improvement schemes could have
reduced the losses but though the agreement with the World Bank was signed in April/May,
1996, till date no World Bank funds have been made available. Hence the total loss in the
system including technical and commercial losses and unaccounted for energy is expected to
remain at the same level at the end of 1996-97 as it was in 1995-96, namely 47%.
3.6 He stated that GRIDCO has now taken effective steps in addressing
these problems despite serious financial and other constraints. These were outlined below
(i) System Loss(Technical)
One of the significant reasons for high system losses is the
small proportion of transmission lines of the category 66KV and above as different from
the sub-transmission and distribution system comprising the network of 33KV and below. It
is found that for the last three or four years, the total length of transmission lines (of
66KV and above) constitute only 6% to 7% of the total length of the electricity network
(transmission + sub-transmission + LT/distribution). With the rapid increase of rural
electrification as part of the State Government's Programme, this distortion is only
likely to get more pronounced. System Improvement measures, construction of new Grid S/S,
33/11KV S/S and strengthening of lines are practical steps which GRIDCO have taken up or
are in the process of implementing to correct the situation. In the last 12 months the
following important Grid S/Ss have been commissioned.
The 132/33 KV S/S at Jagatsinghpur
The 132/33 KV S/S at Nimapara
The 220/132 KV S/S at Balasore.
The following important Grid S/Ss are likely to be commissioned in the
next six months.
The 132/33 KV S/S at Soro
The 132/33 KV S/S at Sijua
The 132/33 KV 40 KVA transformer at Duburi
The 132/33 KV S/S at Pattamundai.
The upgradation of transformers in the existing GRIDCO Sub-Stations
have been done or is being done in the if following cases :
Puri 2x20 MVA to 2x31.5 MVA
Bhadrak 3x12.5 MVA to 3x20 MVA
Aska lx20 MVA + 1x12.5 MVA to 2x20 MVA
Berhampur 2x20 MVA to lx40 MVA + lx20 MVA
Baripada 3x12.5 MVA to 2x31.5 MVA
Chhatrapur 2x12.5 MVA to lx20 MVA + 1x12.5 MVA
Sambalpur 2x12.5 MVA to 2x31.5 MVA
Kesinga 2x12.5 MVA to 2x20 MVA
System improvement works have just been completed or are in different
stages of progress in the following places.
Bhubaneswar Laxmisagar 2x5 MVA 33/11 KV S/S under construction.
Bhubaneswar Nayapalli-do-
Bhubaneswar Satyanagar-do-
Berhampur Goods shed S/S-do-
Berhampur Luchchapada-do-
Jeypore Christian Cemetery-do-
Jeypore Bariniput 1x6 MVA-do-
The system losses will go down as a result and we aim to bring down
such losses from the current level of 47X to 42X by the end of 1997-98. Simultaneously,
there will also be improvement in the quality of power.
(ii) Commercial Losses
Proper energy accounting is the key in tackling this problem.
Having realised this, GRIDCO has completed the first phase of fixing meters at all
inter-circle transfer points. These meters along with the meters in Grid S/Ss enable
GRIDCO to compute precisely the quantum of energy available for consumption in all the ten
distribution circles of the State. Meters are being installed in inter-divisional transfer
points and it is expected that in early 1997-98 this exercise will be completed. This will
lead to effective and accurate energy accounting at the divisional level.
Major consumers with contract demand of 100 KW and above are already
being metered and conventional meters in their premises are being replaced by Trivector
tamper proof electronic meters which record consumption and other data with greater
accuracy. Along with the metering in the premises of such consumers, GRIDCO has already
placed orders for 15,000 electronic meters of various capacities to be funded by World
Bank loans out of which about 4,500 meters have been installed in the consumers' premises
in the last few months. The remaining meters are proposed to be installed before the end
of the financial year 1997-98.
In addition to the 15,000 meters mentioned above, about 39,000 meters
financed by OSEB/GRIDCO with/without assistance from PFC/ADB are also being installed and
the installation programme is being regularly monitored. About 3,518 meters out of these
have been installed in the consumers premises.
The collection of revenue is monitored regularly and recently GRIDCO
has introduced a system of monitoring the collection work on a Sub-Divisional basis every
day. This will enable GRIDCO to take corrective action on a daily basis whenever such
action is warranted. GRIDCO cash collection drives were conducted during 4 consecutive
holidays (from 8.2.97 to 11.2.97) and after finding its successful, we have decided to
keep the cash counters open on several holidays in March'97. Apart from this, special
drives for installing meters, undertaking load surveys and effecting disconnection of
wilful defaulters is in progress in several parts of the State to ensure that our dues are
collected promptly. There is also a generous incentive scheme to encourage good
3.7 With regard to complaint on poor quality of service GRIDCO
submitted that it had started giving this area the highest priority. Mr. Jena stated :
"Complaint Cells will be opened in a few Metropolitan Centres immediately and will be
extended to other places in a phased manner. Field officers have been told categorically
that in the event they are penalised by Consumer Courts for deficiency in service, the
Costs penalties will be recoverable from them. GRIDCO proposes to have special
customer-orientation courses for officers and staff who have dealings with the public to
sensitize them to the needs of customers. We are also hopeful of improving the
distribution infrastructure through construction/upgradation of distribution sub-stations.
A scheme funded by ADB covering 863 individual schemes is under progress and till date
about 447 schemes have been completed."
3.8 Further, GRIDCO gave following reason and perspective to justify
tariff increase : "The Electricity Reform Movement has been accepted by the Central
Government and the State Governments after prolonged and intensive discussions over the
last several months. The Common Minimum National Action Plan for Power was accepted by the
Central and State Government in December '96. This plan is based on the premise that
electricity costs money and the cost is to be recovered from the users. The Electricity
Utilities are expected to conduct their business in a manner which will earn them a
reasonable return without any Government subsidy so that private investments will be
attracted towards Power Sector which requires substantial outlay of funds for generation,
transmission and distribution. While some cross-subsidisation between categories of
consumers may be permissible, no Sector shall pay less than 50X of the average cost of
supply namely, the cost of generation + transmission + distribution. Our tariff proposals
for 1997-98 have kept in mind these principles.
There are several categories of consumers in the existing tariff. It is
the aim of GRIDCO to reduce these categories and to rationalize the tariff structure. The
proposed tariff structure for 1997-98 contemplates the same tariff for several categories
so that at a subsequent stage, the various categories can be merged into smaller and more
rationally structured consumers groups.
One of the basic purposes underlining the Electricity Reform Movement
is that the sector should be able to attract substantial non-governmental funding. This
will be possible only if investors in the Power Sector are assured of returns which are
comparable to returns from other sectors. Keeping this in view, the State Government had
permitted GRIDCO to revise the tariff by a weighted average of 17% in the provisional
licence issued to GRIDCO with effect from 01.04.96. The World Bank Appraisal Report dated
19th April, 1996 prepared at the time of the final round of negotiations with the World
Bank loan of 350 Million US Dollars has envisaged a 18.1% increase in the tariff for the
financial year 1997-98. At the time of the preparation of this document, it was argued on
behalf of GRIDCO and the State Government that tariff is a matter which is to be decided
by an independent autonomous Electricity Regulatory Commission. World Bank, on their part,
took the stand that the Electricity Sector in Orissa is one of the several contenders for
World Bank assistance and World Bank would not be willing to sanction funds for any Sector
Programme unless the Bank is assured of certain cash flows. This is one of the compulsions
of GRIDCO which we wish to place before the Orissa Electricity Regulatory
3.9 The GRIDCO urged on the Commission to approve the rate of tariff as
proposed so as to enable itself to cover the costs and establish itself as a viable entity
to achieve the aims and objects contemplated in the Orissa Electricity
Reform Act, 1995.
4.1 Out of 41 (forty one) persons admitted for personal hearing, only 24 (twenty
four) appeared either personally or through their representatives. The essential issues
made out by these objectors may be indicated in the following few paragraphs.
4.1.1 Mr. Gobind Prasad Aggarwalla, Advocate, appearing for Tarini Cold
Storage, Rairangpur pleaded that Cold Storages should have been categorized as agro-based
industry and not as commercial enterprises and that there should have been no increase in
the rate of tariff. He also alleged that Cold Storage at Pipili in Puri district and those
under electrical divisions of Baripada, Sambalpur and Cuttack district were being charged
at industrial rate of tariff as against the Cold Storages under Rairangpur electrical
division which are being charged at commercial rate which is higher. It was further
pleaded that incentive and concessional rate should be given to Cold Storages as in West
4.1.2 Mr. G. C. Misra, President, Madhusudan Nagar Committee,
Bhubaneswar, stated that there should be no increase in tariff in view of unjustified high
loss of 42% and in view of recent increases in tariff on 16.7.94, 5.11.95 and 21.5.96. It
was further claimed that there is no justification for increase in burden on domestic
consumption which constitutes a small portion of total consumption of electricity in the
State. Sri Misra also objected to Gridco's proposal for tariff on the ground that actual
expenditure on production of electricity had not been exhibited so as to justify
enhancement of tariff.
4.1.3 Mr. Gobind Prasad Aggarwalla, Advocate, appearing on behalf of
M/s Ambika Cold Storage, Mayurbhanj, reiterated similar objections as in case of M/s
Tarini Cold Storage. He made out two additional grounds. It was stated that more than 90%
of total connected load was related to motor load (motive power) and hence it was logical
to categorise Cold Storages as industrial consumer. Secondly, Cold Storages having been
registered as small scale industry and having been given the status of industry in the
Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) there was no justification for treating it as
"commercial" for the purpose of electricity charges.
4.1.4 Mr. D. K. Pattnaik, Bhubaneswar in his knowledgeable testimony
objected to the high tariff and commented on various aspects of the proposal of Gridco. He
appreciated the time constraint of the Commission in view of statutory limit regarding
finalisation of tariff for the year 1997-98 and suggested that his objection could be
taken into account to the extent possible in the current proceedings while the Commission
should call for improved proposals from Gridco for subsequent years. He doubted the
purchase cost of power as projected by the Gridco and suggested to the Commission to
scrutinise and insist on most economical purchase. He suggested a scrutiny of the
transmission and distribution cost of Rs.743.45 crores.
Referring to the Annual Administration Report of OSEB submitted to the State Govt. he
stated that the system loss figures of 23.40% and 23.02% for 1993-94 and 1994-95
respectively as submitted to the Govt. should be presumed to be authentic. He also
suggested that statistics of T&D loss in the latest report of Planning Commission
should be relied upon rather than the proposal of Gridco indicating very high percentage
of system loss. He expected the Commission to work on T&D loss figure for 1997-98 at
23% as against 42% projected by Gridco. He suggested a number of steps to cover the gap
between the cost of power delivered and revenue earned. The suggestions included a pilot
project to study the consumption by various categories, insistence on subsidy from the
Govt. of Orissa for concession granted to agricultural consumption, subvention by the
State Govt. for revenue loss to Gridco on account of NTPC sale of power to power intensive
industries, cash subsidy by the State Govt. for rural electrification expenses etc. With
regard to reduction of T&D loss he suggested installation of meters and replacement of
defective meters. He also suggested to the Commission to finilise regulations with regard
to consumer protection and standard of performance. In view of all these grounds he
requested the Commission not to allow any revision of existing tariff.
4.1.5 Mr. Gobind Prasad Aggarwalla, Advocate, also appeared for M/s
Kichakeswari Cold & Ice Store and reiterated his objections as in case of two other
Cold Storages referred earlier.
4.1.6 Prof. Banikanta Misra appeared on behalf of Sri B. Bisoi, a
domestic consumer, and objected to the tariff proposal on various grounds. Before
outlining the objections he suggested to the Commission to limit the number of objections
as in US Public Utility Commission so that more fruitful and meaningful proceeding could
be conducted. He claimed that the proposal for tariff hike was defective as Gridco had not
discharged its onus of giving sufficient justification for rise and had not indicated the
norms, bench mark and standards against which the performance was to be judged and tariff
was to be charged. He objected to the absence of energy audit and to the excessive high
T&D loss compared to national average. Prof. Mishra pleaded that Gridco should not be
allowed to burden the consumers the cost due to its inefficient management, excessive wage
bill, high T & D loss and uneconomic power purchase. He also objected to the lack of
clarity in the classification of consumers and absence of break up in the percentage of
loss in different categories.
4.1.7 Mr. Khirod Pattnaik appeared on behalf of M/s United Hatchery
Private Limited, Bhubaneswar and challenged the proposal on following grounds:
Proposal doesn't make any mention of the basis of classification of consumers.
There is no appropriate differential rate for different voltage of supply.
There was no clarity with regard to effective date for timely payment rebate and delayed
payment surcharge etc.
The proposed reduction of transmission loss by only 5% was considered low and
4.1.8 Mr. P. K. Das appeared on behalf of M/s Tata Iron and Steel
Company Limited, Bhubaneswar and objected on the following grounds:
Charges for power intensive and large industries were unjustifiably high even though
transmission loss was minimal in supply through High Tension line.
Cross-subsidisation has been allowed against the Reform Policy.
In view of rise in tariff in June'96 further increase would be unaffordable for
There was no improvement in quality of supply as the voltage fluctuation and
interruption continued at same rate as before.
The realisation from industrial sector was the best and the fastest and therefore, there
was no justification for further increase in tariff in this category.
There is no justification for increase before reducing T & D loss and stoppage of
The tariff rate for HT consumers should be fixed on cost of supply basis.
4.1.9 Sri R. N. Sarkar, General Secretary appeared on behalf of the
objector, M/s Orissa Young Entrepreneurs Association, Cuttack. His objections were on the
following grounds:
There has been frequent increase in tariff in the recent past.
It was objectionable to collect monthly minimum charges, monthly demand charges, delayed
payment surcharge, power factor penalty and monthly meter reading charge etc.
The electronic meters presently under installation have not been standardized and
accepted in India and hence should not have been introduced.
The small scale industry cannot bear high financial burden on account of increase in
electricity bill.
4.1.10 Mr. L. Pangari, Advocate, appeared on behalf of M/s IPISTEEL
Limited, Cuttack. In his elaborate arguments he called for special and concessional
dispensation in electricity tariff on the ground that mini steel plants are supposed to be
encouraged by the State Govt. in accordance with Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR). He
objected to the normal rate of tariff for the mini steel plants in view of special status
of the industry as a joint sector project under BIFR coverage and in view of its
tremendous export potential.
4.1.11 The main objection of M/s Ipitata Refractories Limited was on
the ground that the industry was already sick and any additional tariff would further
cripple the same.
4.1.12 Mr. R. K. Rath, Advocate, appeared on behalf of the objector,
M/s Orissa Sponge Iron Limited. Mr. Rath raised some preliminary objection to the effect
that sufficient opportunity was not granted to prove the inadequacy of Gridco's proposal
and that under a fiscal statute/taxing statute there could not be additional burden
without quid pro quo benefit which was missing in Gridco's proposal. He stated that
further details should have been filed by Gridco and all papers filed by Gridco should
have been given to the objectors. He stated that application and statements by Gridco
should not be admitted unless proved with supporting evidence.
He also objected on the ground of high T & D loss, lack of improvement in service and
performance and absence of details in Annexure-2 of the application. With regard to
specific case of the objector it was claimed that the tariff on mini steel industry was
unreasonably high.
4.1.13 Sri S. Praharaj appeared on behalf of the objector, M/s
Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited, Bhubaneswar. He objected to the proposal of Gridco on the
following grounds.
Veracity of Gridco's figures and claims were not established.
Quantum of high loss claimed was unjustified.
There was absence of economic purchase of power and no plan for sale of surplus power to
the neighbouring states to reduce the cost.
Due to failure of Gridco in installing meters and keeping meters in running condition
the figures indicated by them regarding consumption as well as production of sale could
not be relied upon.
The reasons of loss, level of maintenance and other details should have given in the
application of Gridco so that cost could be analysed.
The full level of revenue had not been revealed as security deposit and interest on the
same had not been indicated and there was no mention of electricity duty.
4.1.14 Sri D. S. Nanda appeared on behalf of the Nayapalli Community
Care Association, Bhubaneswar and objected to increase of tariff mainly on the following
There is no justification for increase in the cost of power. In this connection Sri
Nanda gave an analysis with reference to different source of purchase of power. He claimed
that Gridco has unduly projected availability of less low-cost and more high-cost power.
The Gridco has not given reasons for high percentage of T & D loss. The inability to
segregate technical loss and commercial loss was objectionable and such high percentage of
loss should not be allowed.
Revaluation of assets and depreciation on original cost of capital assets created
artificial liability on the consumers.
The manner in which capital loss of Rs.722 crores has been acquired by Gridco should
have been examined and profit on revaluation of assets should have been taken into account
in Gridco's finances.
The percentage of rise tariff for industry should have been at par with the percentage
of rise for other categories of consumers.
Thrust of Mr. Nanda's argument was that with so much defect in Gridco's proposal of tariff
further increase in tariff which would cause great hardship to domestic consumers should
not be allowed.
4.1.15 Sri R.C. Pattnaik, Unit-IV, Bhubaneswar complained that there
was no consumer service at all by GRIDCO and huge arrears of energy charges due from
medium and heavy industries were not been collected by GRIDCO. He gave certain suggestions
and requested that the Commission should ask the GRIDCO to improve service and should
desist from causing undue hardship to domestic consumers by revising tariff.
4.1.16 Sri B. N. Das, Chief Electrical Inspector (Rtd.) Bhubaneswar in
his well argued testimony objected to the tariff on the following grounds:
Undue high percentage of System loss of 42% necessitating higher quantum of power
procurement was uncalled for.
Artificial revaluation of assets by 2 to 2.5 times of book value has created uncalled
for financial liability to be borne by consumers.
Profit has been calculated on fictitious capital of Gridco.
Purchase of high cost power consequent upon revaluation of assets transferred to OHPC
and sale of TTPS to NTPC was avoidable and the financial impact should not be passed on to
Recovery of depreciation at a rate which enables Gridco, OPGC, OHPC and NTPC to recover
90% of the cost of equipments in half of the life span and recovery of depreciation at
percentage applicable to new assets by artificial increase in the cost of second-hand
assets should be disapproved.
In their proposal Gridco has not taken into account the loss incurred on account of
policy direction given by the Govt to defunct OSEB with regard to Rural Electrification,
Lift Irrigation, Industrial Policy Resolution, Kutir Jyoti Programme, direct sale of power
by Captive Power Plants to industries and direct sale of power to export oriented
industries by NTPC.
The basis of forecast for tariff revision in 1997-98 by Gridco has not been made clear
and this should be reviewed by the Commission.
Mr. Das pleaded that the Commission should examine the above issues in details keeping in
view efficiency, economic use of resources etc. with adequate emphasis on the interest of
the consumers. He concluded by saying that the Commission should not encourage
inefficiency by allowing Gridco to pass on the cost of inefficiency to the consumers.
4.1.17 Mr. M. V. Rao appeared on behalf of The Utkal Chamber of
Commerce & Industry Ltd., Cuttack and strongly objected to the tariff proposal. He
made out the following main points:
The tariff increase in May'96 has already caused undue burden and should be reviewed.
The present proposal does not satisfy the condition of Section 26(2) of OER Act and
hence should be summarily rejected by the Commission.
The system loss figure shown at 42% for 1997-98 was unduly high. The Commission should
not accept this position when Gridco admits that loss figure had increased than shown
Revaluation of assets increasing loan components of Govt., increased depreciation and
artificially increased operation and maintenance expense have caused undue financial
burden to be passed on to the consumers.
Cheaper sources of power purchase should have been tapped.
Revenue requirements due to increase in depreciation and the burden of cross subsidy
could not be further loaded on the industry against express provisions of law.
Mr. Rao highlighted the adverse impact of tariff revision on various types of industries
in the State and strongly pleaded that in the interest of industrial development and
equity there should be no increase-in the tariff on the industrial customers.
4.1.18 Mr. T.M. Srinivas, representative of Ballapur Industries
Limited, Jeypore reiterated the facts mentioned in the written petition and stated that
poor quality of service and the lack of reliability in power had been causing considerable
production and financial loss to the consumers and hence there was absolutely no
justification for increase in tariff. He gave an example of interruption of power as many
as 18 times in a day and stated that production loss of 12 1/2 days amounted to Rs. 72
lakhs and loss on account of poor quality of power resulting in poor quality product
amounts to 86 lakhs. He claimed that as many as 42 motors have been burnt out during a
year due to defective power supply. He urged the Commission to direct Gridco to improve
quality of power before asking for increase in tariff. He also stated that as a sick
industry increased power tariff will have disastrous effect.
4.1.19 Mr. Damodar Das, Manager (Commercial) appeared on behalf of M/s
Aska Spinning Mill & Baripada Spinning Mill and urged that there should be special
consideration for employment-oriented sick industry for which any further increase in
tariff will cause intolerable financial burden. It was requested that the fixation of
minimum charge should be waived in case of sick industries.
4.1.20 Mr. B. S. Bhasin, President of Mini Cement Plant Association of
Orissa, Rajgangpur reiterated general issues made out by Sri D. K. Pattnaik and Prof.
Banikanta Misra before dwelling at length on issues stated in his own written
representation. His objections were mainly on the following grounds:
Complete details of calculation regarding cost of production and other relevant data
have not been given by the Gridco.
Cross-subsidy should not have been built into the tariff proposal.
The classification of consumers was defective particularly with regard to small scale
tariff should have been made at flat rate of tariff.
The effective tariff was high and hence a maximum ceiling of tariff at Rs.2.73 per unit
should have been fixed for small scale and medium units.
The tariff has not been set in accordance with the provisions of the Electricity Supply
Act, 1948.
Tariff has not been fixed on different categories on respective cost basis.
Gridco has not taken any step for improving of efficiency and reduction of T&D loss.
The minimum charge for single part tariff and the maximum demand charges should have
been reduced to reasonable level.
The projection of bad debts at 3% of total sales source and 17% return on capital base
project were high considering industry norms.
Revenue receipts from interest and power factor penalty have not been shown, and there
is no scheme for reward or incentive for improvement of financial position.
The tariff aspects of load factor, load management and emergency power supply to CPP and
reasonable transmission tariff have not been taken into account.
Mr. Bhasin strongly pleaded for insisting on reduction of T&D loss, better performance
of Gridco, effective action to reduce the burden on consumers and improvement of consumer
4.1.21 Mr. S. K. Nanda appeared on behalf of the Confederation of
Indian Industry and objected to the increase in tariff mainly on the following grounds:
There is no valid basis for the load forecast, quantum of power to be purchased and
unusually high component and cost of NTPC power.
The high T&D loss were unjustified and the cost for the same should not be passed to
the customers.
Avoidable expenses on foreign consultants and other peripheral aspects have increased
the cost.
Without improving the quality of supply or efficiency n service there is no
justification for tariff increase.
With substantially high hydro-power capacity in Orissa there is no justification for
higher rate of tariff than in other states.
Mr. Nanda also objected to the increase in the book value of assets, artificially high
depreciation claim by Gridco, high O&M charges etc. and requested the Commission to
ensure that GRIDCO should give paramount importance to the interest of consumers and on
maintenance of quality and reliability of power.
4.1.22 Mr. Smrutidhar Das, General Secretary, Confederation of Citizens
Association, Bhubaneswar objected to the gap of Rs.423.58 crores the high cost of power
purchase, high T&D losses, administrative failure of Gridco, preferential charges for
colony consumption of industries, etc. He stated that the proposed increase was
unjustifiably high for domestic and industrial consumers as against the industrial sector.
He urged the Commission to disallow the proposal of Gridco to increase the rate of tariff.
4.1.23 Mr. Prakash Rao appeared on behalf of M/s FACOR and stated that
the Charge Chrome industries in Orissa were under financial crisis due to recession in the
international market and were losing heavily on every tonne of Charge Chrome manufactured
and exported. The rise in tariff in recent years have come to an unacceptably high level
and hence, there should be no further increase in tariff. He explained that on account of
tariff and demand charges taken together there has been 300% increase in the total
liability within a span of 5 years. He highlighted the predicament of the power intensive
industries who were being deprived of ability to compete in the international market. He
gave some concrete suggestions so as to enable the power intensive industries to survive.
In this connection he suggested variable tariffs for peak and non-peak hour. He further
suggested as below:
Power intensive industries should be given preferential treatment in the context of
their export potential.
Minimum charges should not be made applicable when actual consumption figures were
recorded and were available.
The industry should be allowed to reduce or increase the contract demand with prior
notice of one month as against moratorium of three years.
Delayed payment surcharge should be charged after taking into account, the security
deposit amount lying with Gridco. Purchase of cheaper power from third party
(private/public generating stations) should be allowed by Gridco with appropriate wheeling
Mr. Prakash Rao also referred to the higher purchase cost of power from TTPS and suggested
that TTPS Talcher should be re-purchased by Gridco, so that the cost burden will go down
giving a respite to consumers.
4.1.24 Mr. M. S. Pattnaik appeared on behalf of M/s Bhima Ice Factory
& Cold Storage. The objector is a partnership from whose ice factory has already been
closed and who is being charged monthly energy bill at commercial rate. It was pleaded
that the tariff proposal was unreasonable, unjustified, and would not contribute to
promote economic efficiency. He emphasized on the special nature and social role of a cold
storage with regard to agriculture development and pleaded for lower tariff.
4.1.25 Dr. Nabakishore Mohapatra, an objector represented the Trust for
Research and Public Aids. He reiterated the facts stated in his written petition
dt.18.2.97 filed before the Commission. The first part of his objection was with regard to
publication of notice in English language, lack of sufficient opportunity to the objectors
and poor consumer service by Gridco. In the 2nd part of his argument, he stated that,
Gridco had not satisfied the conditions regarding economic use of resources and good
performance and therefore, the Commission should take recourse to provision of Section 26 of the OER Act, 1995
so as to reject the tariff proposal and to decide upon an alternative calculation of the
aggregate revenue requirements as well as tariff. In the 3rd part of his objection Mr.
Mohapatra objected to the recent practice of Gridco to insist on purchase of meter by the
consumer. In the 4th part it was claimed that there should be only two rates Wholesale and
retail as against thirty five rates. According to him the categorization should be done
after taking public opinion. He referred to certain other aspects of unsatisfactory
service of Gridco and the effect of tariff rise on the common man. Mr. Mohapatra strongly
pleaded for focusing the attention of the Commission on common man and his financial
problems so as to bring down the electricity charges to a lower level. He suggested
certain economic measures and demand side management, and objected to the privatization
policy which according to him was the cause of tariff rise.
4.1.26 Mr. N. C. Nayak appeared on behalf of M/s J. K. Corporation
Limited and referred to the disastrous impact of tariff rise on the consumer which had a
large industry of manufacturing synthetics. It was claimed that from 1988 till today there
has never been a delay in payment of electricity dues by the company whereas on the other
side due to non-maintenance of quality and voltage stability in the power supplied by
Gridco, there is substantial loss from time to time on quantity and quality of production.
The burden of security deposit without interest and the need for purchase of D.G. sets was
causing avoidable burden on the consumer. It was suggested that the Commission should
direct Gridco to be satisfied with bank guarantee and not insist on security deposit from
big power intensive industries on whom the high security deposit amount was a great
financial burden. Mr. Nayak requested the Commission not to allow any raise in tariff.
5.1 Before analysing the substance of the GRIDCO's proposal and the validity of the
objections, it will be appropriate to outline the essential objections contained in the
written submission of those who had been admitted for personal hearing but did not attend
for some reason or other.
5.2 Sri Bimal Kishore Kar, Secretary, Baragada Dist. Consumer Forum
objected to the tariff proposal on the grounds that the proposal was arbitrary and
excessive, the financial burden was being created due to mix-management and internal
subversion, dues were not being collected from different commercial undertakings, and
industrial houses etc.
5.3 Sri K.N. Jena, General Secretary, Orissa Consumers Association had
sent a petition enlisting a number of objections. The first part of the objection related
to legal grounds. It was claimed that GRIDCO as a provisional licensee was not entitled to
ask for an increase in tariff. Regulations on tariff methodology and procedure have not
been prescribed by the Commission, publication of notice has not been properly done,
copies of the application have not been supplied to the objectors and rating committee has
not been constituted. He further took the ground that the proposed tariff was excessive
and unreasonable necessiated due to inefficiency and uneconomic working of the GRIDCO. It
was submitted by the objector that practically nothing was right with the GRIDCO and hence
the application for tariff should not be entertained.
5.4 Sri Debabrata Jena, General Secretary, Federation of Consumer
Organisation mainly referred to the adverse economic impact on various aspects of the
proposal made by GRIDCO and claimed that the corrupt practices, inefficiency and wrong
methods adopted by GRIDCO should be stopped and GRIDCO should not be allowed to increase
electricity tariff which will result in price hike in every sphere and in suffering of
5.5 In a petition from Balasore Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
objection was raised on the grounds that the tariff would have adverse effect on industry.
There has been frequent increase in tariff, the quality of electricity supply had been
extremely poor, causing financial losses to the consumers. The transmission loss projected
by GRIDCO was too high and GRIDCO had shown artificial and exaggerated cost of assets etc.
5.6 In a letter from Tata Refractories Limited, Mr. D.K. Singh,
Director (Operations) objected to the revision of electricity tariff on the ground that it
would create additional financial burden which will further cripple the loss making
industry. He suggested that the consumption of electricity in the industrial colonies
should be calculated as per the actuals and tariff should not be revised for at least
three (3) years.
5.7 M/s Utkal Polymer Limited, Balasore objected on the ground that the
earlier rise of electricity is pending before the Hon'ble High Court and that in the
background of high T & D loss, poor quality of supply, adverse impact on the industry
and artificially high cost on investment, GRIDCO should not be allowed to revise the
5.8 The Orissa Small Scale Industries Association in their letter dated
18.02.97 objected on various grounds. It was stated that the relevant accounting figures
had not been provided by GRIDCO and the value of assets and the depreciation amount have
been artificially increased. Meter rent should not be charged, monthly minimum charges
should not levied, security deposit for old customer should not have been increased and
the quality of power supply has not been improved.
5.9 Mr. Sarat Kumar Pattnaik, Advocate, Khurda objected on many
grounds. The gross capital cost was inflected, the depreciation was claimed on a higher
amount, the reasonable return on base capital was unduly large at 17%, cost of power has
been inflated, T & D loss have not been limited to desired level, the quality of power
was extremely poor and no improvement had been effected by GRIDCO. He also referred to the
adverse impact on the LT consumers and the proposal for fixation of tariff on transmission
etc. He requested that the defective deficit tariff budget on inflated capital base should
not be admitted and GRIDCO should not be allowed to enhance the tariff without considering
public interest.
5.10 Sri B.S. Mohanty, General Secretary, Acharya Bihar Parishad
referred to high T & D loss and the recent increase in tariff and suggested that there
should be no increase in tariff on the domestic consumers.
5.11 Sri Dhaneswar Dhal, Sahid Nagar assailed the GRIDCO's proposal on
various grounds such as uneconomic power purchase, unduly high operating cost, unusually
high level of T & D loss and non provision of subsidy from State Govt. etc.. He has
given a number of suggestions relating to calculation of the cost of GRIDCO.
5.12 In a petition from Orichem Limited, objection was made on the
ground of recent increase, adverse impact on industries, poor quality of supply, voltage
fluctuation etc.
6.1 Objections of those who were not
admitted for personal hearing either because they did not request for personal hearing or
because they had not complied with the formalities for the same were scanned by the
Commission mainly to identify relevant points as might not have been covered specifically
in course of personal hearing. The objections looked into were from Ipitata Sponge Iron
Limited, Orient Paper Mills, Rourkela Steel Plant, Mr. S.K. Misra, M/s Ferochrome Plant of
IDC Limited, Magnetic (India) Limited, Mr. Birabhadra Misra, M/s Birla Tyres, Balasore
District Small Scale Industries Association! Mayurbhani District Small Scale Association,
Hotel Association of Puri, Oriclen Private Limited, M/s Jayashree Chemical Limited M/s Sea
Food Exporters Association Limited. Dr. Chakradhar Das, M/s Jagdish Mines and Metals(P)
Ltd., M/s Tisco and Shiva Agree gates Pvt. Limited.
6.2 One of the objectors suggested that the tariff proceedings should
be kept pending till Hon'ble High Court issues orders on the earlier tariff. Rourkela
Steel Plant objected on the ground of adverse impact on cost of production and claimed
that concession should have been given as in Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal. M/s
Ferochrome Plant of IDC Ltd. claimed that further hike in power tariff will increase the
production cost and would make its product uncompetitive in international market.
6.3 M/s Magnetic (India) Limited considered the proposal of GRIDCO as a
monopolistic exploitation of the consumers. He referred to the lack of care and action
with regard to theft, transmission loss, cross-subsidisation, over head burden of
operating expenditure and poor maintenance etc. According to the objector, there was no
justification for GRIDCO to pass on the burden to non-subsidised consumers and to give
undue preference to some particular categories of consumers. The Company also suggested
incentive to consumers.
6.4 M/s Hotel Association of Puri and Sea Food Exports Association of
India have claimed in identical petitions that power failure has continued as before and
privatisation has not been a success. They claimed that Orissa should emulate Punjab in
granting relief in electricity tariff and that the State should have special consideration
for industries which are bound to go sick, if there was further increase in tariff.
6.5 M/s Jayshree Chemicals Limited has furnished facts and figures to
claim that the cost of power was unduly high for industrial consumers, the transmission
loss was too high and the cost of power procurement is unduly high. It was stated that the
cost of tariff is quite high compared to other countries and pleaded that the power
intensive industry should be given special consideration in order to make the industries
financially viable and competitive in the international contest.
6.6 M/s Jagdish Mines and Metals Pvt. Ltd. stated that some tariff
increase could be allowed only after obtaining assurance of better service. But, the
increase could be accepted after prior approval of the Govt. in the Assembly and in any
case the practices of billing on minimum energy charges should be abolished permanently.
7.1 Availing the opportunity of right of reply, Mr. B.C. Jena, Director
(Transmission & Distribution) of Gridco replied to the various points raised by the
objectors. He denied most of the allegations, gave explanations for some issues, admitted
deficiencies in some and in the end urged the Commission to approve the tariff proposal in
the best interest of the people and electricity industry of the state. He assured that
Gridco was doing its best to achieve the objectives laid down in the OER
Act, 1995. 
8.1 Commission considered the objections in the light of facts stated in Gridco's
proposal, the replies given by Gridco and Commission's own analysis. The objectors have
raised extremely vital issues and enlightened the Commission with some useful suggestions
on the basis of which the tariff proposal has to be examined. At the same time Commission
has noted that many objections are not directly relevant to the tariff proceeding and even
though some may have impact on tariff they have to be put aside for appropriate
proceeding. Issues which are directly relevant to tariff fixation have to be specifically
dealt at length by the Commission in its own analysis and judgement in this order.
8.2 Those issues which are not relevant and those which have some
impact but do not arise out of Gridco's proposal may be briefly mentioned. While doing so,
the Commission is aware that most objections were raised because in an unprecedented
public nearing of this nature the interested parties were not aware of the exact nature
and scope of the proceeding. So far, tariff fixation has been a confidential and internal
matter between SEBs and Government. The opinion and consultation with the public was not
considered necessary. This Commission has thrown the issue open to public scrutiny in the
true spirit of OER Act, 1995. On the first available opportunity of
a public hearing, many consumer organisations and representatives have taken the
opportunity of ventilating all their grievances, objection and suggestions in the matter
of electricity supply. While the Commission has benefitted from many of them, it has noted
that even with a most liberal expansion of the scope of the current proceeding it is
neither permissible nor practicable to deal with issues not directly relevant to the
present examination of the validity of Gridco's proposed schedule of tariff.
8.3 Objections with regard to poor quality of supply, poor maintenance
and poor consumer service are considered relevant by the Commission only for purpose of
bench marking and putting the Gridco in a path to function in an efficient, economic and
competitive manner. It is not possible to deal with these aspects effectively while
approving, disapproving or modifying. tariff proposal under Section 26 of OER Act, 1995.
8.4 Objections with regard to reform, restructuring and steps for
privatisation programme, and various facets of transfer scheme, revaluation of assets,
etc. are beyond the scope of this Commission as these have been done either in consequence
or through an Act of the legislature of which the Commission is a creature. Moreover, some
of these issues as well as the issue of tariff revision of May'96 are before Hon'ble High
Court and hence should not have been raised before the Commission.
8.5 The objections by three cold storages were looked into. No evidence
was given to support the allegation of discrimination and Gridco has denied that any cold
storage in the state was categorised as industrial consumer It is understood that a suit
in the Hon'ble High Court of Orissa by M/s. Ambika Cold Storage on the issue of
classification has been dismissed. The Commission does not approve the suppression of such
a relevant fact in the testimony of the objector before the Commission. Even otherwise,
the objections raised by the Cold Storages are not relevant to the general issues of
tariff proposal of Gridco under examination by the Commission.
8.6 Issues such as classification of consumers, minimum charges, demand
charges, security deposits and interest on security deposit, etc. are either related to
tariff or have impact on tariff. As Gridco has not suggested any change of the existing
practice or rate the Commission does not consider it necessary to now deal with these
8.7 The objections by industries which are sick or
potentially sick, the objections by the export oriented industries, the Hotel
Associations, Sea Foods Association, the small scale sector and of all those who have
sought for protection, concession, special treatment, etc. have received not only careful
but anxious consideration of the Commission. These objections have been raised on the
assumption that Gridco has to implement Govt. policy regarding industrial and economic
development of the State and has to give concessions in fixing tariff considering the
socio-economic perspective of the Government and the ability of various types of consumers
to pay. The Commission is not competent nor is Gridco entitled to go beyond the OER Act, 1995 which is more or less a self-contained statute regulating
the electricity industry in the State of Orissa. In the matter of tariff the Commission is
entitled to examine whether and to what extent Gridco, which is a licensee, has complied
with the provisions of the Act. Gridco is an independent corporate entity and therefore,
has no obligation for socio-economic objectives and government policy except those which
are issued within the scope and in harmony with the OER Act, 1995.
The Government shall be entitled to issue policy directives under Section 12 of the OER Act, 1995.
No such directive has yet been issued. Section 26(5)
outlines the essential attributes of tariff and Section
26(2) makes it obligatory for the OERC to be bound by the three parameters within
which terms and conditions for determination of revenue and tariffs have to be considered.
Seen in this light, the Commission has to hold that many objections fall outside the
purview of this proceeding. The sooner it is realised by all concerned that OER Act, 1995 has dramatically changed the legal and socio-economic
basis of electricity industry in the State, it is better. The Commission in the later part
of this order will give its findings on Gridco's proposal against parameters enshrined in Section 26 and shall accordingly deal with those
objections which are relevant for present purpose of tariff setting. To allay misgivings,
Commission makes it clear that "the interest of the consumers' is one of the prime
considerations which are weighing its mind but the interest has to be the overall interest
such as the maximum good for maximum people and not interest of individuals classes or
specific categories of consumers.
8.8 The Commission has taken note of all relevant objections and have
analysed Gridco's proposal in the light of these objections. The issues emerging from
Gridco's application and the public hearing was placed before the Commission Advisory
Committee in its meeting on 25th February'97. The salient issues were discussed and the
members of the Committee raised similar sentiments and opinion as in the public hearings.
In the process of consultation the consensus that emerged was that decision on tariff
should be related to Gridco's performance.
9.1 Gridco's proposal has to be analysed in detail. As this is first time Gridco has
submitted a proposal to the Commission, there are certain deficiency with regard to the
formalities and presentation of the facts and figures. However, it has been possible for
the Commission to collect all the relevant facts and to recast them for examination
against parameters set forth in Section 26 of the OER Act, 1995. The macro picture of the financial implications of the
Gridco's proposal is as under :
Cost of power purchases
Rs.1224.90 crores
add Expenditure on Transmission & Distribution
Rs. 620.73 crores |
Rs.1845.63 crores
As against this minimum revenue requirement without taking into
account the return on equity Gridco has proposed to collect a revenue of Rs.1562.00 crores
by way of tariff and meter rent from all consumers. The implications of this figure are
that the expenditure exceeds income by Rs.283.63 crores which remains an uncovered gap.
Thus, the Gridco is not in a position to earn any return, what to speak of reasonable
return, on capital. The financial condition of Gridco due to historical causes is in such
a state that in its tariff proposal it has not even made an effort to realise the cost of
supply. The situation is understandable because to realise the average cost Gridco has to
set the tariff at a level which will be unacceptable to the consumers. The apparent
strategy of Gridco is to improve the performance on the one hand and ask for increase of
tariff in subsequent years so a s to close the gap and to evolve as an efficient, viable
entity. Though Gridco has made mention of reasonable return at Rs.122.80 crores, this is
only for presentation purpose and does not have any meaning when on their own admission an
uncovered gap of Rs.400.00 crores is left hanging.
9.1.1 It may be appropriate to make the revenue requirement as the
starting point of the analysis and observations of the Commission.
1. Cost of power purchase (11000 Million Units) Rs.1224.90 crores
2. O & M expenses
(a) Employees cost 214.00 crore .
(b) Material 72.00 crore
(c) Administrative & General Expenses 17.40 crore
(Total) Rs.303.40 crores
3. Depreciation Rs.150.50 crores
4. Interest on loans Rs.114.30 crores
5. Contingency Rs.7.50 crores
6. Bad debts Rs.45.00 crores
7 Reasonable Return Rs.122.81 crores
Total Rs.1968.44 crores
The Commission have analysed each component of the requirement and
consider the following provision as appropriate mentioned against each.
9.2.1 Gridco seems to have inherited a run down system resulting in
higher technical losses due to lack of adequate investment and high non-technical losses
due to lack of proper management. Commission is of the view that such high system losses
should not be passed on to the consumers in the long run and Gridco should concentrate its
efforts on rapid reduction of these losses to an acceptable level. In connection with the
load forecast and generation planning, Gridco have projected a loss reduction programme.
The total loss in 1995-96 had been projected at 46.4% comprising of 25.5% in non-technical
and 20.9% technical losses. The non-technical losses were proposed to be brought down to
5% by 2000-01 and technical losses to 15% by 2002-03. For the year 1997-98 the technical
losses are expected to be brought down to the level of 20% and non-technical losses to the
level of 15% so that the total T&D losses are estimated to be around 35%. The
Commission considers 35% an appropriate figure for T&D losses for the year 1997-98.
The T&D losses are an area of major concern and Commission expects the Gridco to
concentrate on this aspect of the business to achieve rapid reduction in the level of
T&D losses. The Commission is, therefore, of the view that for the year 1997-98,
T&D losses have to restricted to 35 percent.
9.2.2 With a sale volume of 6380 MU and T&D
losses 35%, the total power requirement for purchase works out to 9815 MUs. The sale
volume of 6380 MUs included 194 MUs to be supplied to Exported Oriented Units (EOU) from
NTPC supply and a volume of 95 MU as back up power supply to ICCL/IMFA. These transaction
are covered by special arrangements. The supply to EOU from unallocated power of NTPC is a
result of Government of India decision and back up power supply to ICCL/IMFA are under
bilateral agreement between erstwhile OSEB and the concerned companies. These have
contractual rates outside the tariff structure pending before the Commission. Taking out
this volume, the net sale volume works out to 6091 MUs and the corresponding volume of
power purchase works out to 9371 MUs.
9.2.3 The Gridco has to purchase power from different sources with
different tariff arrangements. Several of the generating stations are dedicated to Gridco
so that the fixed charges have to be paid irrespective of the quantum of power drawn.
These are hydro power station of OHPC, Machkund Hydro Electric Power Station, the Talcher
Thermal Power Station and Ib Thermal Power Station. The Central Sector generation such as
from Chukha, Farakka, Kahalgaon and Talcher Super Thermal have a different tariff
arrangement under which fixed charges are payable in proportion of energy drawn. It is,
therefore, necessary that Gridco maximises its energy drawal from the dedicated power
stations to reduce the average cost of power purchase. In addition to the above, Gridco
draws power from Captive Power Plants such as those owned by ICCL, Nalco. The charges
payable for energy drawal from such Captive Power Plants are in single part and the costs
are generally lower than those for the Central Sector Generation except for Chukha (Hydel)
The Gridco's proposal on power purchase from specified power stations and the purchase
approved by the Commission are given below based on above consideration.
Purchase of Power |
Gridco projection
Commission proposal
A. Hydro (State) |
3800.00 |
3800.00 |
B. Hydro (Machkund) |
300.00 |
300.00 |
C. Hydro (Chukha) |
200.00 |
200.00 |
D. Kaniha Infirm |
100.00 |
100.00 |
E. Thermal (CPP) |
1000.00 |
905.00* |
F. Thermal (TTPS) |
1600.00 |
1600.00 |
Total |
7000.00 |
6905.00 |
2330.00 |
2330.77 |
Total |
9330.00 |
9235.77 |
H. Farakka |
900.00 |
134.84 |
Total |
10230.00 |
9370.62 |
I. Firm (Kaniha) |
470.00 |
0.00 |
J. Kahalgaon |
300.00 |
0.00 |
Total |
11000.00 |
9370.62 |
* 95 MU have been excluded
as such sale is made by Gridco to ICCL under special arrangement.
Gridco had estimated cost of power from various generating stations.
These have been analysed by the Commission and we have found it necessary to correct the
unit rates proposed by Gridco in respect of TTPS, ITPS, Farakka, Kahalgaon and STPS
(Kaniha). The changes in purchase cost considered necessary by the Commission under each
case is briefly stated below.
TTPS :- GRIDCO proposal indicates an annual fixed charge of Rs.120.95 Crores
corresponding to a P.L.F. of 43.27% as per the PPA & MOU signed between OSEB and NTPC.
This works out to a rate of 79.04 P/U.
The present notified cost of coal has been taken as 337.90/MT and oil price as Rs.7857.00.
Assuming a further rise of 10% in the cost corresponding to a P.L.F. of 45.25% or 1600 MU
availability the cost/unit works out to 130.68 P/U as against 140 P/U proposed by GRIDCO.
ITPS:- The tariff of ITPS has been calculated by GRIDCO @ 165 P/U considering the
cost of coal at Rs.451.44/Ton and cost of oil at Rs.7791/Kl.
On verification of the current coal & oil bills of OPGC, it is found that the present
cost of coal is Rs.365.56/Ton and that of oil is Rs.8818.09/Kl.
Annual average value of GCV of coal supplied during the calendar year 1996 is 2994 Kl/Kg.
Taking the current price of coal & oil into consideration, the cost of variable
charges works out 36.83 P/kWh.
The annual fixed cost submitted by GRIDCO is Rs.285.10 Crores as against Rs.280.50 Crores
calculated by the Commission averaged over a period of three years as provided in the PPA
between OPGC and GRIDCO vide Sl. No.11 of Schedule-II. At an energy
availability of 70% the fixed cost/unit taking incentive into consideration comes to
120.87 paise/kWh. Thus the total cost per unit at 70X P.L.F. works out to 157.70
paise/unit for this station.
Kahalgaon, Farakka:- The cost of power has been calculated by the Commission
using cost data of CEA and giving due weightage for transmission charges and transmission
STPS:- The cost of infirm powers as proposed by Gridco has
been accepted by the Commission.
The cost of power after commercial operation of Kaniha S.T.P.S. may be
same as that of Kahalgaon S.T,P.S. but in absence of complete data in respect of Kaniha
Station, the rate accepted for Kahalgaon is being adopted for Kaniha.
The unit cost of power from different power stations as proposed by
Gridco and as accepted by the Commission are given below.
Purchase of Power |
Gridco proposal
Rate P/U
Commission proposal
Rate P/U
A. Hydro (State) |
49.00 |
49.00 |
B. Hydro (Machkund) |
8.00 |
8.00 |
C. Hydro (Chukha) |
76.00 |
76.00 |
D. Kaniha Infirm |
48.00 |
48.00 |
E. Thermal (CPP) |
90.00 |
90.00 |
F. Thermal (TTPS) |
140.00 |
138.68 |
165.00 |
157.82 |
H. Farakka |
135.00 |
126.00 |
I. Firm (Kaniha) |
255.00 |
176.05 |
J. Kahalgaon |
255.00 |
176.05 |
Gridco had observed that achieving the optimum power purchase may not
be possible with the prevailing Grid situation in the Eastern Region with transmission and
frequency constraints. Projected sale and the corresponding purchase may also undergo
change. The Commission is of the view that such changes beyond the control of Gridco can
be allowed through an adjustment with adequate justification furnished by Gridco.
9.2.4 O & M EXPENSES:
(a) Employees cost: Gridco have estimated the employees cost to be Rs.214
crores. While originally details were not furnished, Gridco have in their letter dated
20.2.97 furnished the basis of calculation. Gridco have taken the base year figure of
1995-96 from the unaudited accounts of OSEB and have adjusted these figures towards normal
annual increment of 2.5% and annual inflation. No additional man power has been proposed.
The basis and the figure proposed by Gridco are found reasonable and are accepted by the
(b) Material cost: Gridco has estimated its material cost amounting to Rs.72
crores The basis for adopting these figures has been furnished by Gridco in their letter
dated 20.2.97 assuming material cost at 5% of the gross asset value as on 1.4.97. The
impact of the revaluation of asset has not been considered by Gridco in working out the
material cost and therefore, the Commission found this figure acceptable. The material
cost of OSEB for earlier years were in the order of 3.5 to 4X of the asset value. The
material cost provided in previous years are apparently not adequate in view of present
run down condition of the installation and therefore, present proposal of 5% is allowed by
the Commission.
(c) Administration and General Expenses: Gridco have estimated the annual
Administration and General Expenses amounting to Rs.17.40 crores and have furnished the
basis of calculation in their letter dated 20.2.97. They have adopted the base year figure
of 1995-96 from the unaudited accounts of the OSEB for the year and reflected annual
inflation. Therefore, the basis adopted by Gridco and figure proposed are reasonable and
accepted by the Commission.
9.2.5 Depreciation : Gridco had proposed an amount of
Rs.150.53 crores towards depreciation in their tariff application. This was based on a
rate of 6.55% on EHT assets, 7.84% on HT assets and 7.84% on LT assets as on 1.4.96. The
asset wise classification and depreciation applicable thereon has not been furnished and
in the absence of this the Commission does not find this acceptable. In the unaudited
accounts of OSEB for the year 1995-96 OSEB have worked out the detailed calculation of
depreciation based on Ministry of Power Notification No. SO-266 (E) dt.
29.03.94. Though, this notification refers to the State Electricity Boards and a Notification
265 (E) dt.27.3.94 is intended for licensees, the percentage of depreciation are
same in both the cases. In this annual account the percentage of depreciation for EHT
installation works out to 5.32% and that for the distribution installation works out to
6.94%. The Commission have applied this percentages to the asset base as on 1.4.97 and
have worked out the amounts of depreciation for 1997-98 as Rs.57.43 crores for EHT and
Rs.70.59 crores for HT and LT works. Thus, the total depreciation works out to Rs.128.02
crores. Calculation of depreciation as estimated by the Commission is as follows:
Gen. |
Trans. |
Dist. |
Others |
Rs. in crores
Total |
1 |
Total amount for the year
95-96 & arrear for 94-95,
Source: Prov Account 95-96 |
18.67 |
32.67 |
52.65 |
2.16 |
106.15 |
2 |
Arrear depreciation for
1994-95 |
3.75 |
6.88 |
13.26 |
2.16 |
24.47 |
3 |
Depreciation for the year
1995-96 |
14.92 |
25.79 |
39.39 |
0.58 |
81.68 |
4 |
Gross Fixed Asset in use as
on 01.04.1995 |
413.03 |
485.01 |
567.87 |
1.58 |
1507.05 |
5 |
Percentage of depr. to GFA
(Item 3 as % of Item 4) |
5.32% |
6.94% |
41.14% |
6 |
Asset in use as on
Source: Gridco Tariff filling |
1080.00 |
1017.70 |
3.84 |
2097.70 |
7 |
Amount of depr. for 1997-98 |
57.43 |
70.59 |
128.02 |
9.2.6 Interest on loans: Gridco have
proposed an amount of Rs.114.30 crores towards interest on loans. The provision in their
OSEB unaudited accounts for the year 1995-96 was Rs.127.95 crores. Out of this interest on
account of State Govt. loan allocable to Hydro Generating Station amounts to Rs.24.00
crores The net interest on loans for 1995-96, therefore, is of the order of Rs.103.00
crores which corresponds to T&D investment. Considering an investment of Rs.140.00
crores by Gridco during 1996-97, Commission found the proposal of Rs.114.30 crores
9.2.7 Bad debts: Gridco has proposed an amount of 45
crores towards bad and doubtful debts for the year 1997-98. This has been worked out as 3%
of the revenue from sale of power for the year. The Commission feels that this provision
is on the higher side. In OSEB, the principle followed for providing reserve towards bad
and doubtful debts was calculated at 10% of book debt against regular consumers and at the
rate of 100% of the book debts against the permanently disconnected consumers. Govt. of
Orissa have transferred the book debt of Rs.146.80 crores as against the gross book debt
of 588.7 crores as on 31.3.96. Thus, the amount of Rs.438.9 crores has been written off as
bad debt. It is presumed that this provision of Rs.146.8 crores is towards bad debts are
against regular consumers. The provision of 15% on the differential of book debt as on
1.4.97 and 1.4.98 as calculated below is considered appropriate by the Commission.
(Rs. in crores)
1. Amount of Gross Book Debt as on 01.04.97 202.00
2. Amount of Gross Book Debt as on 01.04.98 286.00
3. Increase in Book Debt during 1997-98 (2-1) 84.00
4. Provision @ 15% (15% on Item 3) 12.60
Therefore, the provision for 1997-98 towards bad debts should be 12.60
9.2.8 Contribution to Contingency Reserve: Gridco has
accorded a provision of 7.5 crores towards the contribution to contingency reserve under
Para IV of Schedule VI of Supply Act, 1948. As per the provision of Para IV of the
Schedule VI such contingency reserve should have a minimum value of one quarter of 1% of
the asset value which works out to 5.25 crores and a maximum value of half of 1% of asset
value which works out to 10.50 crores, taking into account the asset value of 2097 crores.
As the provision proposed by Gridco of 7.5 crores is within the limit, it is considered
reasonable and admissible.
Based on the above observation, the expenditure to be incurred by Gridco in accordance
with sixth schedule for assessing the revenue requirement as per Section 26(4) of the OER Act, 1995
is indicated below:
Para XVII Clause-2 (b) |
Rs. in crores |
I |
Generation and purchase of
Energy |
II |
Distribution & Sale of
(a) Employees cost 214.34
(b) Material cost 67.35
(c) Admn. & General Expenses 17.41
299.10 |
Rent, rates and taxes other
than all taxed income & profits |
(included in A&G expenses)
IV |
Interest on loans advanced
by Gridco
Interest on loan borrowed from organisation
Interest on debenture issued by licensee
114.30 -- |
V |
Interest on security
deposit |
VI |
Legal charges |
(included in A&G expenses)
Bad debt |
Auditor's fees |
(included in A&G expenses)
IX |
Management including
managing agents remuneration |
X |
Depreciation |
XI |
Other expenses |
Contribution to P.F., Staff
pension, Gratuity
Expenses on training & other training scheme
(included in employees cost) (included in
employees cost)
(included in employees cost) |
Total expenses I to XII |
Special appropriation to cover
Clause 2(c) |
Rs. in crores |
I |
Previous loss
II |
All taxes on income & profits
Instalments of written down account in respect
of intangible assets and new capital issue expenses
IV |
Contribution to contingency reserve
V |
Contribution towards arrear depreciation
Contribution to development reserve
Debt reduction and obligation
Nil Nil
Nil |
VI |
Other special appropriation permitted by State
Total of (C) |
Total (B + C) |
Rs. 1451 crores is considered adequate to cover all
expenses including the obligation of interest payment and also depreciation.
9.3 Para I of sixth schedule states that the licensee
shall so adjust his charges for the sale of electricity whether by enhancing or reducing
them that his clear profit in any year of account shall not, as far as possible, exceed
the amount of reasonable return. In other words, licensee is entitled to earn clear profit
not exceeding a stipulated percentage over reasonable return. Section 26 (2) (a),(b),(c) of the OER
Act, 1995 stipulates that the Commission shall be bound by the parameters of the
financial principles and their applications provided in Section 57 of Indian Supply Act,
1948 and in the sixth schedule thereto as well as factors which would encourage
efficiency, economic use of resources, good performance, optimum investment and finally
interest of consumers. Commission has carefully examined the factors specified in the
sixth schedule in the background of the licensee's performance in the matter of high
system loss. The views expressed before the Commission by the objectors in the hearing
brought out the unanimous complaint about Gridco's poor performance in not providing the
meters resulting in huge losses. Commission is of the view that Gridco has to reduce its
T&D losses and strengthen its revenue collection system by repair and replacement of
meters. An excessive system loss which includes a large amount of commercial losses, is a
burden on the consumer as this increases the purchase power bill requiring to be paid by
the limited consumers existing under the net of revenue collection system. Commission is
also aware of a large number of unauthorised consumers enjoying free electricity burdening
the paying consumers and creating losses to Gridco. In fact, this phenomenon is of such a
serious significance that the whole process of tariff making gets vitiated. Another factor
of loss creeping into the revenue collection system is the non-functioning or
non-existence of meters to a large extent among the consumers. In the present practice of
Gridco, a consumer is charged at various load factors applicable to different category of
consumer where the meters are not working. But, such a levy of charges based on load
factor leads to unrestricted drawal of energy burdening the power system both
operationally as well as financially. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that meters
at the consumer's premises must be repaired or replaced at the earliest as a first step in
the attempt to gain revenue. Until T & D loss is brought down to an acceptable level
the Commission does not consider it appropriate in the interest of consumers to allow
expenditure on purchase of power mentioned at Para VII Clause 2 (b) (i) in the SIXTH
SCHEDULE to the extent proposed by GRIDCO. The Commission has, therefore, decided to
depart from the above said factors specified in the SIXTH SCHEDULE to the extent of
limiting expenditure on power purchase. The comparative position of GRIDCO's proposal and
that approved by the Commission is given below:
Rs. in Crores |
GRIDCO Proposal |
Commission Proposal |
(A) Income derived from: Gross receipt from Sale of energy less discounts applicable thereto. |
1556.37 |
1422.68 |
Rental of meters and other
apparatus hired to consumers |
Sale & repair lamps and
apparatus |
Rents |
Transfer fees |
Interest on investment |
Other general receipts
accountable for income tax and arising from and ancillary or incidental to business of
electricity supply |
(transmission charges) 15.0
(D.P.S) |
Total of (A) (i to vii) |
(B) Expenditure properly incurred on: Generation & purchase of energy |
1224.90 |
883.98 |
Distribution & sale of
Employees cost
A & G expenses
214.00 67.00
17.40 |
214.34 67.35
17.41 |
Rents, rates & taxes, other than all taxed
on income and profit
Included in A&G expenses
Included in A&G expenses
Interest on loan advanced
by Board
Interest on loan borrowed from organisation
Interest on debenture issued by licensee
-- 114.30
-- |
-- 114.30
-- |
Interest on security deposit
Legal charges |
Included in A&G expenses
Included in A&G expenses
Bad debts |
Auditors fees |
Included in A&G expenses
Included in A&G expenses
Management including
managing agents remuneration |
Depreciation |
Other expenses |
Contribution to P.F., staff
pension and gratuity |
Included in employees cost
Included in employees cost
Expenses on apprentice and other training scheme
Included in employees cost
Included in employees cost
Included in employees cost
Included in employees cost
Total expenditure i.e.
total of (B) (i to xiii) |
(C) Special appropriation
to cover: |
Previous losses
All tax on income and
profits |
Installments of written
down amounts in respect of intangible asset and new capital issue expenses |
Contribution to contingency
reserve |
Contribution towards arrear
depreciation |
Contribution to Development Reserve, referred
to in para
Debt redemption obligation |
Other special appropriation permitted by the
State Government
Total of (C) (i to vi)
(-) 284.08
(+) 0.68
Reasonable Return (Annexure-A)
Excess or deficit of clear profit over reasonable return
(-) 373.13
(-) 88.37
9.4 The tariff setting to raise a
revenue of Rs. 1451 crores has to keep in view the cost of supply at various voltage
levels, their load factor, power factor, quantum of consumption and the prevailing tariff
of other utilities in the country.
9.5 Consumers on High Tension (HT) and Extra High Tension (EMT) voltage
levels requested to eliminate cross subsidisation and fixation of tariff appropriate to
their cost levels. Consumers on the low voltage level, specifically the domestic consumers
expressed their views that there should not be any rise in tariff for this category as
unlike industrial consumers they have no scope to pass on the additional burden to
somebody else. Some of them have expressed their views that the power purchase from the
cheaper sources should be allocated exclusively for this domestic category of consumers so
that they can remain at the lower level of tariff.
9.6 As stated earlier the industrial consumers availing power
supply at low voltage level expressed their apprehension that tariff rise would make their
products less competitive in the market. So the Commission has a complex task of balancing
the interest of various consumer groups on the one hand and the financial health of the
licensee on the other. It may also be highlighted that the present run down condition of
the installation of Gridco needs investment for improving service and bringing down the
technical losses of the system. Commission has considered very carefully the tariff
proposal of Gridco proposing an overall increase of 19.53% at T & D losses at a level
of 42%, leaving deficit of Rs.407 crores. To achieve this overall rise of 19.53% Gridco
has proposed a raise varying from 13.22% to 52.16% on the existing level of tariff. The
Commission, therefore, examined all levels of the existing tariff structure and decided to
rationalise to the extent possible and fix a tariff which would impose the minimum burden.
9.7 Commission has elaborately examined the case of supply at
different voltage levels to assess the impact of revision. In this regard the Commission
has come to the conclusion that the present levy of additional charges on account of
supply at a voltage other than the declared voltage of tariff need revision. Citing an
example for illustration : A consumer at contract demand of 5000 KVA or above availing
power supply at 33 KV is required to pay an additional charge of 7.5% over and above
tariff rate payable by the consumer of same category availing power supply at the tariff
voltage of 132 KV. But the cost of supply at 33 KV compared to the cost of 132 KV works
out much higher than the present additional levy of 7.5%. Conversely, a consumer is
entitled to reduction of charges if power is availed at higher voltage level than the
declared tariff voltage level. Therefore, there is a provision of incentive and
disincentive for the consumer to avail power supply at a higher or lower voltage. Complete
rationalisation is not possible at one stroke. The Commission decided to increase the
present level of additional charges by a margin of 2.5% for all voltage levels.
9.8.1 Gridco while submitting the calculation of the expected revenue
from charges for the year 1997-98 has separately indicated the revenue likely to be earned
on account of demand charges and on account of energy charges separately.
9.8.2 In case of consumers with contract demand of 100 KVA or above and
billed under two part tariff, the demand charge is levied as per the recorded maximum
demand or at 80X of the contract demand, which ever is higher. In calculating the demand
charges, 80% of the demand component has been taken into consideration to work out the
revenue likely to be realised from these category of consumers by GRIDCO. The industrial
consumer has to pay demand charges at penal rates if actual maximum demand exceeds the
Contract Demand. He has to pay a minimum Demand Charge based upon 80% of Contract Demand.
The Maximum Demand would, therefore, be above 80% of Contract Demand but below 100% of
contract demand in general.
9.8.3 It would be appropriate on the part of Gridco to work out the
peak demand attained by such category of consumers and work out the demand charges. On the
other hand calculation of demand charges at 80% of the Contract Demand reflects an
understatement of the revenue to be realised. The Commission after careful consideration
have decided to work out the revenue requirement for this category of consumer assuming
maximum demand at 90% of the contract demand, for the year 1997-98.
9.8.4 It is hoped that in future tariff proposals, Gridco will work
out, in respect of these type of consumers, the average of peak demand of the last 12
months to assess the demand charges reasonable to such category of consumers.
9.9 Cross-subsidy: Commission is aware that the burden of
intra-class subsidy falls heavily on the large industry groups. Several such industries
are finding it economical to set up Captive Power Plants of their own. It is in the
interest of customers paying tariff below the cost of supply that large industries group
do not migrate from Gridco's power supply due to heavy tariff burden. The Commission has
attempted to reduce the intra-class subsidy keeping in view the life line rates for the
very small consumers. Increase in tariff rates has been higher for customer classes who
are paying smaller portion of the average cost of supply. A beginning has been made in
this order for reduction of cross-subsidy.
9.10 Irrigation: As in other states of India, the tariff
rates for agriculture is very much below the average cost of supply. The agriculture load
generally comes up during off-peak hours and would not add significantly to the peak
demand of Gridco. Further, rate increase has to be gradual. Commission has, decided on an
increase in the rate keeping all these aspects in view.
9.11 Domestic: A large majority of consumers, more than a
million, estimated to consume around 30% of the total sale projected are being levied at a
much lower level of tariff, compared to their cost of supply. This pattern of consumption
brings in an additional load, particularly during the peak load hours, where cost of power
purchase is the highest, leaving apart the additional operational system problem for
meeting larger peak. But, considering the interest of very small consumers for whom small
amount of electricity is essential, Commission has proposed no rise in respect of
consumers whose monthly consumption is less than 30 units per month. In respect of other
volumes of domestic consumption, the Commission has approved a progressively higher rate
of increase.
9.12 Industrial colonies: Power supply to industrial
colonies, when drawn together with the industrial supply through a common meter under two
part tariff, has in effect a demand charge component levied. Therefore, the energy charges
for such type of consumption has been kept lower than that for supply to other residential
9.13 Subsidy: It is understood that OSEB was claiming
revenue subsidy under the following heads:
Rural electrification operation.
Industrial policy resolution.
GRIDCO have not shown any such subsidy in their tariff application. The
Commission, has therefore, not provided for any subsidy in working out the revenue
requirement of GRIDCO and presume that any loss of revenue sustained by the GRIDCO in
complying with Government policy directions shall be claimed separately by GRIDCO under
intimation to the Commission and the subsidy when received shall be passed on to the
concerned consumer groups. GRIDCO have provided a lower rate for domestic consumers when
such consumption does not exceed 30 unit per month. It is not clear, if consumption in
this category includes Kutir Joyti connection numbering about 95,000 Nos. by the year
1996. In case GRIDCO is incurring any revenue loss on account of such policy direction of
the State Government, the loss could be quantified and subsidy claimed from the State
Government. The Commission have not considered this in approving the tariff.
10.0 The Commission has had a difficult task
and hard choices in finalizing the tariff. The transitional problems associated with the
conversion of a protected industry fully under control of the Government to a competitive
environment are enormous. The most important part of the regulatory control is tariff
design which has a crucial link with investment incentive. The Commission is aware that
the Regulators are required to approve a tariff design which must permit utilities to
operate prudently and economically and to generate enough revenue to cover reasonable
operational costs, taxes, amortization and a rate of return. But as in case of
transitional phase in all developing countries, raising the price to even the cost level
brings wide-spread discontentment and suspicion of the consumers. This discontentment is
encouraged and enhanced by vested interests who have been benefitting from an inefficient
and loss-making utility. The big task before the Commission is to convey the message that
the price increase reflects the costs previously suppressed and subsidized by the
Government. A short-term populist decision to defer any increase in price will bring in
further deterioration in maintenance and services of electricity and will jeopardise not
only industrial development of the State but also the supply of continuous and reliable
power to existing customers. The Commission has therefore decided to balance on the one
hand the interest of electricity industry in getting reimbursed for the increased cost of
production and supply and on the other hand the financial impact on the consumers of all
categories as would not be intolerable. Gridco has to realize that any increase in tariff
has to be linked to performance and the consumers have to realise that the cost of supply
of electricity like that of any other produced goods are liable to economic factors of
increased cost and inflation. These compulsions as enshrined in the parameters set forth
in Section 26(2) of the OER
Act, 1995 have guided the Commission in setting a tariff design to be effective from
01.04.97. We have linked the increase of tariff to efficient performance of Gridco and
heave restricted the raising of price to the minimum level we consider reasonable and
inevitable in the interest of consumers.
11.1 The Commission would like to conclude that it does not approve
either Gridco's calculation of revenue requirement for 1997-98 or the tariffs proposed for
different categories of consumers. The determination of licensee's revenue as considered
reasonable by the Commission have been indicated in the earlier part of this order.
11.2 The Commission orders that tariff for supply of electricity for
each category of consumers within GRIDCO's licensed area of supply, shall be as given in
the table below with effect from 01.04.1997.
Sl.No |
Category of
Consumers |
Voltage of tariff |
Demand Charges
Rs/KVA |
Energy Charges P/KWH |
Paise / KWH or DPS* |
1 |
Domestic |
230/400V |
Cons.<=30units/month |
90 |
10 |
Cons.>30 units/month |
1st 75 units |
105 |
10 |
Next 75 units |
150 |
10 |
Rest units |
220 |
10 |
Colony |
230/400/11KV |
150 |
10 |
2 |
Commercial |
230/400V / 11KV |
All units if does not
exceed: |
10 |
a) 100 units/month |
245 |
10 |
b) 300 units/month |
290 |
10 |
c) if exceeds 300
units/month |
320 |
10 |
3 |
Irrigation |
230/400V / 11/33KV |
All Units if does not
exceed: |
10 |
150 units/month |
80 |
10 |
If exceeds 150 units/month |
90 |
10 |
4 |
Street Light |
230V/400V |
200 |
5 |
Small Industry |
230V/400V |
215 |
10 |
6 |
Medium Industry |
400V |
265 |
11KV/33KV |
255 |
7 |
Institution |
33KV |
All Units |
200 |
8 |
Gen. Purpose |
CD=>110KVA and<555KVA |
200 |
230 |
CD=>555KVA and<1110KVA |
200 |
230 |
CD=>1110KVA and <5000KVA |
200 |
250 |
CD=>5000KVA |
200 |
250 |
9 |
PublicW.W. |
CD=>110kVA |
200 |
230 |
CD<110KVA |
- |
270 |
CD<110KVA |
- |
260 |
10 |
Industry |
CD=>110KVA and <555KVA |
200 |
230 |
CD=>555KVAand<1110KVA |
200 |
230 |
CD=>1110KVAand<5000KVA |
200 |
250 |
CD=>5000KVA |
200 |
250 |
Colony |
130 |
11 |
Rly. Traction |
132KV/220V |
200 |
250 |
12 |
Heavy Industry |
132KV/220KV |
200 |
250 |
Colony |
130 |
13 |
Power Int. Ind. |
132KV/220KV |
200 |
250 |
Colony |
130 |
14 |
Mini Steel Plant |
132KV/220KV |
200 |
200 |
Colony |
130 |
15 |
Emg. PS to CPP |
300 |
260 |
D.C. Services |
16 |
Domestic |
17 |
Commercial |
18 |
Small Industry |
* DPS as applicable
11.3 The Commission also authorises levy of other charges as given
DEMAND CHARGEThe monthly Demand Charge will be calculated on
recorded/evaluated Maximum Demand or 80% Contract Demand whichever is higher.
MONTHLY MINIMUMThe Monthly Minimum Energy Charges
ENERGY CHARGES for different category of consumers will be calculated
on UNITS calculated as given:
Domestic 22 units per half KW of contract demand
Commercial 23 units per half KW of contract demand
Irrigation 31 units per BHP of contract demand for the months of June,
July, August, September & October. 62 units per BHP for rest seven months.
Street Light 30 units per half KW of contract demand
Small Industry 56 units per KW or 42 units per BHP of contract demand
Medium Industry 56 units per KW or 42 units per BHP of contract demand
Public Institution 18 units per half KW of contract demand
General Purpose P.F. of 0.9, L.F. of 0.2 on the contract demand. For
the air conditioned cinemas for the months of November to March P.F. of 0.9, L.F. of 0.1
on the contract demand
Public Water Works CD => 110KVA P.F. of 0.9, L.F. of 0.2 on the
contract demand
Public Water Works CD < 110KVA 62 units per KW or 47 units per BHP
of contract demand
Large Industry P.F. of 0.9, L.F. of 0.2 on the contract demand
Railway Traction P.F. of 0.9, L.F. of 0.2 on the contract demand
Heavy Industry P.F. of 0.9 L.F. of 0.4 on the contract demand
Power Intensive Industry P.F. of 0.9, L.F. of 0.4 on the contract
Mini Steel Plant P.F. of 0.9, L.F. of 0.2 on the contract demand
Emergency Supply to CPP Nil
Transformer loss computed as given below to be added to
the consumption as per meter reading.
Energy Loss = 730 X KVA rating of transformer/100
Loss in Demand = One percent of the rating of
transformer. (For Two part tariff)
Category of Consumer
Contract Demand
Specified Voltage
Increase in the rate of Demand
Charges & Energy Charges in % of Supply Voltage
LT |
11KV |
33KV |
132 / 220KV |
Domestic Bulk Supply
Public Institution
Power Intensive Industry
2000KVA and above
Mini Steel Plant
4444KVA and above
Emergency PS to CPP
Heavy Industry
25000 KVA and above
Railway Traction
+7.5 (25kv)
Large Industry & Gen. Purpose
110KVA and above but <555KVA
555 KVA and above but 132<5000KVA
5000KVA and above
132/220/400 KV
Small Industry
Less than 22 KVA
Public Water Works
110 KVA and above
DELAYED PAYMENT For Large Industry, Medium Industry,
SURCHARGE Public Water Works, Railway Traction, Street Light, Power
Intensive Industry, Heavy Industry, General Purpose Supply, Public Institution, Mini Steel
Plant, Emergency Supply to CPP, a DPS @ 2% per month shall be levied prorata for the
period of delay from the due date i.e. from the 16th day of the bill, on the amount
remaining unpaid, if the bills are not paid within 15 days of the bill.
PENALTY FOR For Maximum Demand in excess of
OVERDRAWAL Contract Demand in a month, a penalty at the rate for Demand
charges together with charges for supply at a voltage other than prescribed voltage shall
be added.
POWER FACTOR For Large Industry, Medium Industry,
PENALTY Public Water Works, Railway Traction, Power Intensive Industry,
Heavy Industry, General Purpose Supply, Public Institution, Ministeel Plant, &
Emergency Supply to CPP, a Power Factor Penalty shall be added as a percentage of monthly
demand charges & energy charges as given below :
0.5% for every one % fall from 90% upto and including 60%
1% for every one % fall below 60 upto and including 30%
2% for every one % fall below 30%.
EMERGENCY POWER The Demand charges shall be levied on
SUPPLY TO CPP. recorded Maximum Demand. The existing
provision of levy of Demand Charges on MD recorded over 25% of the rated capacity of the
largest unit of the CPP shall be discontinued.
TRANSMISSION TARIFF The Transmission Tariff for
Transmission of power at 132KV/220 KV shall be as follows.
Out of Energy supplied to GRIDCO for transmission, 7.5% of the energy
shall be deducted towards Transmission Loss and balance energy delivered at the delivery
point at 132 KV/220 KV.
A Transmission charge @ 40 paise/ unit on the energy received for
LOAD FACTOR For unmetered supply or defective meter,
billing shall continue to be at prevailing percentage of connected load.
1 Single phase electro-magnetic KWH meter 15.00
2 Three phase electro-magnetic KWH meter 30.00
3 Three phase electro-magnetic Trivector meter 500.00
4 Trivector meter for Railway Traction 750.00
5 Single phase Static KWH meter 50.00
6 Three phase Static KWH meter 100.00
7 Three phase Static Trivector meter 1200.00
8 Three phase Static Bivector meter 1200.00
9 A set of LT Current Transformer 75.00
10 11 KV Metering Unit without meter 600.00
11 33 KV Metering Unit without meter 900.00
12 EHT Metering arrangement without meter 2000.00
1 Single Phase Domestic consumer 30.00
2 Single Phase Other consumer 50.00
3 Three Phase LT consumer 100.00
4 HT and EHT consumer 500.00
Transmission Tariff: GRIDCO's application proposes a transmission tariff
of 30 paise per unit after allowing the loss of 7.5% for the extra high voltage system. It
is estimated that the marginal cost of EHT service excluding loss during the financial
year 97-98 shall be about 37 paise per unit. The charge based upon marginal cost will
promote efficiency in the use of the system and existing new users on transmission service
should pay a charge equal to at least the marginal cost of providing the service. In
addition, all users of GRIDCO system should make some contribution to the cost of
non-technical losses on the system until these losses are brought under control. Based
upon these considerations, the Commission have decided to set the transmission tariff at
40 paise/kWh which is slightly more than the marginal cost of providing the service loss
of 7.5% as applied for.
Gridco is directed to take appropriate action in pursuance of this order.

Calculation of capital base and reasonable return for
1997-98 [in accordance with para XVII of Schedule VI of Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948].
A |
(Rs. in Crores)
a |
Original cost of fixed
asset |
2389.80 |
Less consumers contribution |
200.10 |
2189.70 |
b |
Cost of intangible asset |
--- |
c |
The original cost of Work
in Progress |
370.30 |
d |
The amount of investment
compulsorily made under para-IV |
--- |
e |
An amount on account of
working capital equal to the sum of |
(i) Average cost of stores
(1/12th of the sum of the stores materials
and supplies including fuel in hand at the end of each month of the year) |
9.00 |
(ii) Average cash and bank
(1/12th of the sum of cash and bank balance
whether credit or debit and call and short term deposits at the end of each month of the
year) |
9.00 |
Total of A |
2578.00 |
Less |
B |
i |
The amounts written off or
set aside on account of depreciation of fixed assets. |
325.80 |
ii |
The amount of any loan
advanced by Board |
--- |
ii-a |
The amount of any loans
borrowed from organisations or institutions approved by the State Govt. |
1101.40 |
ii-b |
The amount of any debenture
issued by the licensee |
550.00 |
iii |
The amounts deposited in
cash with the licensee by consumers, by way of security |
77.00 |
iv |
The amount standing to the
credit of Tariffs and Dividends control reserve at the beginning of the year of account |
--- |
v |
The amount standing to the
credit of the Development reserve at the close of the year |
--- |
vi |
The amount carried forward
(at the beginning of the year of accounting) in the accounts of the Licensee for
distribution to consumers. |
--- |
Total of B |
2054.20 |
Capital Base
(A-B) |
523.80 |
return @17% on Capital Base |
89.05 |
