ORISSA DISTRIBUTION INDEX Section-2: Section-3: 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Objectives 3.3 Technical and Design Criteria 3.5 Obligation of Licensee in Preparation of Demand Forecasts for the State of Orissa Section-4: 4.1 Introduction 4.3 Outage Planning 4.5 Demand Management/Load Shedding 4.6 Interface with Small Generating Units4.8 Metering and Telecommunication 4.9 Voltage/Frequency/Power factor monitoring and control 4.10 Safety Co-ordination 4.11 Major Incident and Accident Reporting 4.13 Tools and Spares 4.14 Training INTRODUCTION 1.1 General 1.1.1 The Distribution and Retail Supply Licence requires the Licensee to prepare and submit to the Commission a Distribution Code accompanied by a plan for its implementation after receiving the approval of the Commission as laid down under the Licence. The Distribution Code as envisaged under the Licence, shall include the following : (a) a distribution planning and connection condition containing; |
SECTION 3 DISTRIBUTION PLANNING CODE 3.1.1 The Distribution Planning Code (DPC) specifies the technical and design criteria and the procedures to be applied by the Licensee in planning and development of its Distribution System. D.P.C. also applies to Users of the Distribution System in the planning and development of their systems in so far as they affect the Distribution System. 3.1.2 The User's requirement may necessitate the reinforcement of or the extension to the Distribution System and in some cases may require the licensee to seek the reinforcement or extension to the capacity of the relevant point of interconnection between the Licensee's Distribution System and the Transmission System. This may arise for a number of reasons including but not limited to:
SECTION 3 DISTRIBUTION PLANNING CODE 3.1.1 The Distribution Planning Code (DPC) specifies the technical and design criteria and the procedures to be applied by the Licensee in planning and development of its Distribution System. D.P.C. also applies to Users of the Distribution System in the planning and development of their systems in so far as they affect the Distribution System. 3.1.2 The User's requirement may necessitate the reinforcement of or the extension to the Distribution System and in some cases may require the licensee to seek the reinforcement or extension to the capacity of the relevant point of interconnection between the Licensee's Distribution System and the Transmission System. This may arise for "left">Introduction of a new connection point between the User's system and the Licensee systems. To increase the system capacity, remove operating constraints and maintain standards of security to accommodate a general increase in Electricity Demand. 3. 1.3 Accordingly the reinforcement or extension of the Licensee's Distribution System may involve work at the following points.
3.1.4 Development of Licensee's Distribution System must be planned with
sufficient lead time to allow any necessary statutory consents or way leaves to be
obtained and detailed Engineering design and construction work to be completed.
Objectives of the DPC are;
3.3 Technical and Design Criteria The Licensee shall plan and develop its Distribution System observing the technical and design criteria stated below. 3.3.1 The Distribution System shall be planned and developed to meet the load demand of all existing Users connected to it and all Users seeking connection. To this end all the Apparatus and Circuits of the Distribution System shall have adequate capacity to carry electricity safely, economically and reliably. 3.3.2 The Licensee shall appropriately assess the load demand of various categories of consumers and forecast the demand of power on an annual basis or more frequently as required by the Commission. 3.3.3 The Licensee shall prudently utilise the modern forecasting tools in forecasting load demand and in addition shall apply its knowledge of electricity consumers and an understanding of the way they use electricity and other alternative sources of energy. The load forecasting shall also take into account the various conservation programmes under demand side management or off-peak usage programmes which the Licensee might be sponsoring, resulting in reduction of energy and peak demand of the consumers. over the years. 3.3.4 The licensee shall use load research facilities to identify components of the System and customer load profiles to forecast changes in the load. Customer load pattern data shall be collected and stored for further analysis. 3.3.5 The optimum circuit loading and minimum number of circuits at any electrical interface between the Distribution System and Transmission System shall conform to Distribution System Planning and Security Standards as referred to under the Licence. 3.3.6 As far as practicable the Licensee shall provide separate circuits for Urban Supply (Non Industrial), Urban Supply (industrial) and Rural Supply and shall so arrange the loads as to create discrete load blocks to facilitate load management during emergency operations. 3.3.7 Location of 33/11 KV, sub-stations, capaciator installations and Distribution Transformer Sub-stations shall be determined with the objective of containing the Voltage variation and Transmission and Distribution Losses within permissible and reasonable levels by carrying out load flow studies. 3.3.8 The Distribution System shall be designed so as to maintain the voltage at the commencement of supply to a consumer within limits specified in the I.E. Rules 1956. The design shall be so as to reduce the distribution losses to a reasonable level as projected in the long term load forecast of the Licensee 3.3.9 The capacity of step down transformers used in the Distribution System and lay out of the Bus Bar, Switchgear, Transformers, Capacitors, Earthing, Lightning Arrestors, Control Panels, Station Battery, Fire Extinguishers and other accessories required for the safe operation of the sub-station shall be standardised by the Licensee. This shall conform to guidelines and principles contained in the "Distribution System Planning And Security Standards" as referred to in the Licence. 3.3.10 While planning the Distribution System the Licensee shall examine the cost effectiveness of Loss reduction measures without compromising the Security Standards referred to in paragraph 3.4.9. 3.3.11 The Licensee shall adopt measures including the following for reduction of lengths of Low Tension Bare Conductor overhead lines to the extent it is cost effective.
3.3.9 The capacity of step down transformers used in the Distribution System and lay out of the Bus Bar, Switchgear, Transformers, Capacitors, Earthing, Lightning Arrestors, Control Panels, Station Battery, Fire Extinguishers and other accessories required for the safe operation of the sub-station shall be standardised by the Licensee. This shall conform to guidelines and principles contained in the "Distribution System Planning And Security Standards" as referred to in the Licence. 3.3.10 While planning the Distribution System the Licensee shall examine the cost effectiveness of Loss reduction measures without compromising the Security Standards referred to in paragraph 3.4.9. Increasing number of Distribution Transformers.![]()
3.4.1 The Licensee is required to forecast the demand for power within the Area of Supply annually or more frequently, if required by the Commission, in each of the succeeding 5 years. The Licensee shall, accordingly, prepare a demand forecast and generally follow the procedures laid herein. 3.4.2 The Licensee shall create a data base of loads for each Consumer category and for each Distribution Sub-station connected to its Distribution System and update it on an annual basis. 3.4.3 Load Research
The Licensee shall work out details of its Load Research implementation programme and file its proposal with the Commission for its consideration. 3.4.4 Energy Audit 3.4.5 Load Data From the metering data at each connection point with the Transmission System, the Licensee shall develop load curves for the area fed by the concerned Sub-stN="left">3.3.10 While planning the Distribution System the Licensee shall examine the cost effectiveness of Loss reduction measures without compromising the Security Standards referred to in paragraph 3.4.9. ation of the Transmission Licensee. By compiling data from each Sub-station feeding its Distribution System, the Licensee shall develop a system load curve for its Area of Supply. By reconciling actual energy sales figures with the drawl from metering data losses in the System may be computed for any period. These data shall be furnished to the Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee and Commission on an annual basis. All users with demands of 5 MW and above seeking connection shall furnish their Load Data to the Licensee, as detailed in Annexure-l. The Licensee shall exercise special care in monitoring the actual development of loads in respect of consumers desiring to contract for loads of 5 MW and above at any single point. The Licensee on its part shall furnish relevant System Data as detailed in Annexure-2 if requested by the User seeking connection on payment basis. The Licensee shall update its System Data at least once a year. 3.4.6 Forecast Methodology
3.4.7 The Licensee shall forward its long term Demand Forecast for each of the Connection Points with the Transmission System and the aggregate Demand Forecast for its Area of Supply on an annual basis to the Transmission Licensee and Commission along with following details on the basis of which forecasts are made:
3.5 Obligation of Licensee
in preparation of demand forecasts for the State of Orissa
Obligation of Licensee
in preparation of demand forecasts for the State of Orissa
LOAD DATA FOR DEMANDS OF 5 MW AND ABOVE (With reference to Section-3 "Distribution Planning Code" Para 1. Type of Load (State whether :- steel melting furnace loads, rolling mills, traction loads, other industrial loads, pumping loads, etc.) 2. Maximum demand (KVA) 3. Year/Years by which full /part supply is required (furnish phasing of loads year-wise if necessary) 4. Location of Load (Furnish location map to scale) 5. Rated voltage, Frequency and number of phases at which supply is required. 6. Description of Equipment
7. Sensitivity of demand to fluctuations in voltage and frequency of supply at time of Peak Demand. (Give Details)
8. Phase unbalance imposed on system
9. Maximum harmonic content imposed on system (Furnish details of devices for suppression of Harmonics) 10. Details of any loads which may cause Demand fluctuations of greater
than 10 MW at the point of connection including Voltage Dips (percentage) lasting for 5
seconds and more.
SYSTEM DATA (With reference to Section - 3 "Distribution Planning Code" Para |
SECTION - 4 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 This Section specifies procedures and codifies practices to be followed by the Licensee and Users whose electric lines and electrical plant are connected to the Licensee's Distribution System for safe and efficient operation of their respective systems. This shall also apply to any electrical interface between two Distribution Licensees for safe and efficient operation of the interface. 4.1.2 The following aspects of operation are covered in this SectiCENTER"> SYSTEM DATA on.
| ||
4 |
General Relaying and Metering arrangements at 33/1 1KV sub-stations 10 MVA and above. |
5 |
Details of Grid sub-stations at point of lnterconnection with Distribution System. |
Furnish following : |
6 |
Drawl from Interconnection or Intraconnections |
Furnish following : |
SECTION - 4 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 This Section specifies procedures and codifies practices to be followed by the Licensee and Users whose electric lines and electrical plant are connected to the Licensee's Distribution System for safe and efficient operation of their respective systems. This shall also apply to any electrical interface between two Distribution Licensees for safe and efficient operation of the interface. 4.1.2 The following aspects of operation are covered in this SectiCENTER"> SYSTEM DATA ont>Metering and Telecommunication Voltage/Frequency/Power Factor Monitoring and Control. Safety Co-ordination Major Incident and Accident Reporting Maintenance and Testing Tools and Spares
4.2.1 The Licensee shall provide to the Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee, its estimation of Demand at each Interconnection on a year ahead, month ahead and day ahead basis as required. The time scales for such submission as set in the Grid Code shall be adhered to by the Licensee. 4.22.2 Data shall be furnished by the concerned User for this purpose as required by the Licensee. 4.22.3 The Licensee shall estimate its hourly and daily
Demand at each Interconnection on the basis of relevant Load Curves drawn on a day ahead
basis subject to modification depending upon communication received from any specific User
or caused by any contingency.
4.3.1 The licensee shall furnish its proposed Outage programmes to Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee on a year ahead basis (July to June) by 1st August each year. 4.3.2 Outage programme shall contain identification of electric lines and equipment of the Distribution System that will be taken out of service, outage start date, duration of Outage and Quantum of load not to be drawn at any Interconnection during Outage. 4.3.3 Outage plan of the Licensee may come into effect only after Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee releases the finally agreed transmission Outagc plan by 1st March each year. 4.3.4 Notwithstanding any approved Outage plan, the Licensee may not take any Circuit or Equipment out of service at any Interconnection without specific release from Transmission & Bulk Supply Licensee. In case of a Circuit or equipment of 66 CENTER"> SYSTEM DATA KV and higher voltage specific release of SLDC shall be obtained in addition. This shall however, not apply under the following circumstances.
4.2.1 The Licensee shall provide to the Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee, its estimation of Demand at each Interconnection on a year ahead, month ahead and day ahead basis as required. The time scales for such submission as set in the Grid Code shall be adhered to by the Licensee. 4.22.2 Data shall be furnished by the concerned User for this purpose as required by the Licensee. 4.22.3 The Licensee shall estimate its hourly and daily
Demand at each Interconnection on the basis of relevant Load Curves drawn on a day ahead
basis subject to modification depending upon communication received from any specific User
or caused by any contingency.
4.3.1 The licensee shall furnish its proposed Outage programmes to Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee on a year ahead basis (July to June) by 1st August each year. 4.3.2 Outage programme shall contain identification of electric lines and equipment of the Distribution System that will be taken out of service, outage start date, duration of Outage and Quantum of load not to be drawn at any Interconnection during Outage. 4.3.3 Outage plan of the Licensee may come into effect only after Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee releases the finally agreed transmission Outagc plan by 1st March each year. 4.3.4 Notwithstanding any approved Outage plan, the Licensee may not take any Circuit or Equipment out of service at any Interconnection without specific release from Transmission & Bulk Supply Licensee. In case of a Circuit or equipment of 66 CENTER"> SYSTEM DATA larger.![]()
4.4.1 A contingency in the Distribution System may arise in the event of total or partial blackouts in Transmission System or Regional Transmission System. A contingency may also affect a part of the Distribution System due to local breakdowns in the Distribution System itself and in the Apparatus of the Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee at the Interconnection. This sub-section lays down procedures which the Licensee shall follow under such contingencies to restore and maintain power supply to its consumers quickly and efficiently. These are classified as under:
4.4.2 Transmission System or Regional System Failure. In case of total black out at any point of
Interconnection the Licensee shall abide by the Black Start procedures framed by
Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee and incorporated in Grid Code. 4.4.3 Distribution System Failure Interruption to power supply in any part of the
Distribution System lasting more than one hour due to breakdown of any part of the
Distribution System may be termed as a Distribution System Failure. SYSTEM DATA Licensee shall evolve a restoration process for such Distribution System Failure under intimation to the Commission.4.4.4 Failure of Apparatus of Transmission Licensee Licensee shall immediately contact the person authorised for such purpose at the substation of the Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee and assess probable period for restoration and/or probabl Transmission System. A contingency may also affect a part of the Distribution System due to local breakdowns in the Distribution System itself and in the Apparatus of the Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee at the Interconnection. This sub-section lays down procedures which the Licensee shall follow under such contingencies to restore and maintain power supply to its consumers quickly and efficiently. These are classified as under:
4.4.2 Transmission System or Regional System Failure. In case of total black out at any point of
Interconnection the Licensee shall abide by the Black Start procedures framed by
Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee and incorporated in Grid Code. 4.4.3 Distribution System Failure Interruption to power supply in any part of the
Distribution System lasting more than one hour due to breakdown of any part of the
Distribution System may be termed as a Distribution System Failure. SYSTEM DATA e restriction on load drawl from the affected sub-station. Licensee may affect demand management plan
accordingly as necessary.
4.5 Demand Management/Load Shedding 4.5.1 Temporary load shedding may be resorted to maintain load generation balance as instructed by SLDC. This may also be necessary due to loss of any circuit or equipment or any other operational contingency. 4.5.2 The Licensee shall estimate loads that may be shed in discrete blocks at each Interconnection in consultation with Users supplied through independent circuits as required and submit the same to SLDC. Such Users shall cooperate with the Licensee in this regard. Modus Operandi of load shedding may be worked out by the Licensee and detail procedure shall be furnished to SLDC and also persons in charge of downstream sub-stations of the Licensee where such load shedding has to be carried out. In case of automatic load shedding through Under Frequency Relays, circuits and amount of load to be interrupted with corresponding relay settings shall be intimated to SLDC and persons in charge of downstream substations of the Licensee as necessary. 4.5.3 If due to any load shedding exceeding thirty
minutes is to be resorted to in any part of the Distribution system, public shall be
notified promptly through the media. Consumers with Contract Demand 1 MW and above and
essential services such as Hospital, Public Water Works etc. shall be intimated over
telephone wherever applicable.. 4.6 Interface with Small Generating Units If the Licensee has an interface with any such generating unit and an Agreement for this purpose exists, the Licensee and the concerned owner of the generating unit shall abide by the provisions set of this paragraph in addition to provisions contained in this Code as applicable to all Users.
4.5.1 Temporary load shedding may be resorted to maintain load generation balance as instructed by SLDC. This may also be necessary due to loss of any circuit or equipment or any other operational contingency. 4.5.2 The Licensee shall estimate loads that may be shed in discrete blocks at each Interconnection in consultation with Users supplied through independent circuits as required and submit the same to SLDC. Such Users shall cooperate with the Licensee in this regard. Modus Operandi of load shedding may be worked out by the Licensee and detail procedure shall be furnished to SLDC and also persons in charge of downstream sub-stations of the Licensee where such load shedding has to be carried out. In case of automatic load shedding through Under Frequency Relays, circuits and amount of load to be interrupted with corresponding relay settings shall be intimated to SLDC and persons in charge of downstream substations of the Licensee as necessary. 4.5.3 If due to any load shedding exceeding thirty
minutes is to be resorted to in any part of the Distribution system, public shall be
notified promptly through the media. Consumers with Contract Demand 1 MW and above and
essential services such as Hospital, Public Water Works etc. shall be intimated over
telephone wherever applicable.. 4.6 Interface with Small Generating Units If the Licensee has an interface with any such generating unit and an Agreement for this purpose exists, the Licensee and the concerned owner of the generating unit shall abide by the provisions set of this paragraph in addition to provisions contained in this Code as applicable to all Users.
4.8 Metering and Telecommunication 4.8.1 Metering (Operational) The minimum requirement of operational metering at Distribution System sub-stations shall be as follows: (i) at 33/11 KV sub-stations(10 MVA and above)
(ii) at 33/11 kV sub-stations (below 10 MVA and above 3 MVA) (iii) at 11/0 4 kV substation (250 KVA and above) 4.7.2 Provision in Section 'Protection' of the Gridcode, specifying minimum protection requirement of the Distribution System shall be followed by the Licensee, as well as by the Users of the Distribution System, as applicable. 4.7.3 No item of apparatus shall be allowed to remain connected to the Distribution System unless it is covered by appropriate protection. 4.7.4 All Users within the Area of Supply of the Licensee availing Supply at 66 KV and above and all other Users within the Area of Supply of the Licensee with a contract demand of 5 MW and above shall furnish details of their protection schemes to the Licensee before connection is effected, termed as Protection Data as listed in Data Registration Sections of Grid Code. Similar Protection Data relating to Distribution System of the Licensee shall be supplied to any User seeking connections, by the Licensee upon request on payment of nominal charges. 4.7.5 The Licensee and Users of the Distribution System
(as required) shall attend the protection co-ordination meetings as and when called for by
Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee to discuss all related issues and take remedial
measures as discussed and agreed to in such meetings.
4.8 Metering and Telecommunication 4.8.1 Metering (Operational) The minimum requirement of operational metering at Distribution System sub-stations shall be as follows: (i) at 33/11 KV sub-stations(10 MVA and above)
(ii) at 33/11 kV sub-stations (below 10 MVA and above 3 MVA) (a) Voltage (b) Load drawl (c) Power Factor 4.8.2 Metering (Tariff/Commercial) Tariff metering shall be provided at each point
of Interconnection between Distribution System and Transmission System in accordance with
Grid Code and Connection Agreement 4.8.3 Specification/Rules All meters their installations and testing shall conform to relevant Bureau of Indian Standard Specifications and Indian Electricity Rules, 1956. 4.8.4 Communication Reliable communication links shall be established
for exchange of data, information and operating instructions between Licensee, Users with
demand of 1 MW and above and the SLDC.
4.9 Voltage/Frequency/Power Factor Monitoring and Control 4.9.1 The Licensee shall monitor the Voltage/Frequency/Power Factor in the Distribution System at different points at peak and off peak hours and take reasonable measures for improvement of the same in coordination with the Users with demand of 1 MW and above and Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee. 4.9.2 Voltage 4.9.3 Frequency 4.9.4 Power Factor The Licensee shall take power factor improvement measures at strategic points in the Distribution System by carrying out system studies and installing required reactive equipments Users having loads with high harmonic content, low Power Factor and fluctuations, may be required to install appropriate equipment for correction.
4.10 Safety Co-ordination4.8.2 Metering (Tariff/Commercial) Tariff metering shall be provided at each point
of Interconnection between Distribution System and Transmission System in accordance with
Grid Code and Connection Agreement 4.8.3 Specification/Rules All meters their installations and testing shall conform to relevant Bureau of Indian Standard Specifications and Indian Electricity Rules, 1956. 4.8.4 Communication Reliable communication links shall be established
for exchange of data, information and operating instructions between Licensee, Users with
demand of 1 MW and above and the SLDC.
4.9 Voltage/Frequency/Power Factor Monitoring and Control 4.9.1 The Licensee shall monitor the Voltage/Frequency/Power Factor in the Distribution System at different points at peak and off peak hours and take reasonable measures for improvement of the same in coordination with the Users with demand of 1 MW and above and Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee. 4.9.2 Voltage 4.9.3 Frequency 4.9.4 Power Factor The Licensee shall take power factor improvement measures at strategic points in the Distribution System by carrying out system studies and installing required reactive equipments Users having loads with high harmonic content, low Power Factor and fluctuations, may be required to install appropriate equipment for correction. a>4.10.1 The Licensee and the Users of the Distribution System shall observe safety rules and precautions when work is to be carried out on any Apparatus, Switchgear or Circuits in any part of the Distribution System or in any part of the Users system. 4.10.2 The objective of safety coordination is to enforce principles of safety as prescribed in Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 and to devise codes and practices to implement the same. 4.10.3 There shall be co-ordination between persons of the Licensee and its Users, between persons of two Distribution and Retail Supply Licensees having common electrical interfaces, for carrying out work on any Apparatus, Switchgear, or Circuits belonging to either party at the Interconnection. 4.10.4 The Licensee shall follow the provision of Grid Code for operations at Interconnection points in coordination with the Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee. 4.10.5 The Licensee and all Users and any other Distribution and Retail Supply Licensee having common electrical interface with the Licensee shall designate suitable persons to be responsible for safety co-ordination. These persons shall be referred to as Control Persons. The list of Control persons. their designation and telephone number shall be exchanged between all concerned persons. Any change in the list shall be notified promptly to all concerned. 4.10.6 The disconnecting device/or devices at each electrical interface, which shall be capable of effectively disconnecting the System of the Licensee and the other Users and grounding the respective System at the control boundary shall be identified and marked by the Licensee and respective User and shall be maintained in good order at all times. Such disconnecting devices shall be provided with interlocks to prevent inadvertent switching operations by unauthorized persons 4.10.7 Permission in writing shall be issued by the appropriate Control Person at the electrical interface to his counterpart for carrying out work on any Apparatus Switchgear or Circuits beyond the electrical interface. Such permissions shall be termed as Line Clear Permits (LCP). The format of LCP shall be standardized by the Licensee and shall be used by all concerned. 4.10.8 Check list of operations to be carried out before issue and return of LCP's and procedures for safety co-ordination for each electrical interface shall be framed by the Licensee in consultation with the concerned User. Such procedures and check list shall be issued to all concerned by the Licensee for implementation. 4.10.9 The Licensee shall prepare a safety manual incorporating all Safety Rules and#000000"> Users having loads with high harmonic content, low Power Factor and fluctuations, may be required to install appropriate equipment for correction. Safety Precautions applicable to its Distribution System and the User's System and circulate the same among all Users for compliance.![]()
4.11 Major Incident and Accident Reporting 4.11.1 Typical examples of reportable incidents that would affect the Distribution System are as follows:
Explanation: Major Break down : What shall construe major break downs may be listed by the concerned Licensee/user and reported to the Commission/Licensee respectively. 4.11.2 The Licensee shall report to the Commission major incidents according to time schedule as follows:
4.11.3 The Licensee shall follow provisions of the Grid Code in reporting incidents to Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee. 4.11.4 Reporting of electrical accidents shall be in
accordance with I.E. Rules 1956.
4.12.1 The Licensee shall prepare maintenance schedules for Lines and equipment and ensure its compliance at all levels. 4.12.2 Level of maintenance shall be appropriate to meet Performance Standards of the Licensee. 4.12.3 Testing of Transformers, switchgear, Protective equipment in the Distribution System shall be carried out by the Licensee as recommended by the manufacturers/relevant code of practice at prescribed intervals for ensuring their serviceability, safety and efficiency. 4.12.4 The Users shall be obliged to maintain their
Apparatus, Switchgear and electric lines at all times conforming to I.E. Rules 1956 and
suitable for being connected to the Distribution System in a safe and reliable manner.
4.13.1 The Licensee shall ensure availability of proper tools and tackles at all work places for carrying out maintenance. Serviceability of tools and tackles must be checked from to time and ensured. 4.13.2 The Licensee shall maintain minimum inventory of
spares required for maintenance and replacement purposes at suitable locations according
to a clear policy to be laid down by the Licensee and submitted to the Commission. High/Low System Voltage or Frequency- Monthly Major deviation of load drawal- Monthly Major Break downs (including loss of capacity of 5 MVA and above) a) Preliminary report - Within 24Hours b) Comprehensive report - Status,nature of break down, total break down
period/anticipated restoration period, estimate of losses, estimate of repairs, loss to
persons/property - Within two months Any other incident referred to in para 4.11.1(iv)
-Monthly 4.11.3 The Licensee shall follow provisions of the Grid Code in reporting incidents to Transmission and Bulk Supply Licensee.
4.14 Training |