"Act" means the Orissa
Electricity Reform Act, 1995.
"CBIP" means Central Board of Irrigation
and Power.
"CEA" means Central Electricity
"EHT" means Extra High Tension.
"EREB" means Eastern Regional
Electricity Board.
"ERLDC" means Eastern Regional Load
Despatch Centre.
"Generator" means an organisation that
generates electricity and who is subject to the Grid Code.
"GRIDCO" means Grid Corporation of
Orissa Limited.
"Grid Code" means the code prepared by
the Licensee in accordance with the terms of Condition 17
of the Transmission and Bulk Supply License, 1997 and approved by
the Commission.
"Grid Code Review Panel/Panel" means a
panel set up under Grid Code.
"H.T." means High Tension.
"Licensee" means the holder of the Orissa Transmission and Bulk Supply License , 1997.
"OERC/Commission" means Orissa
Electricity Regulatory Commission consttituted under sub-section
(1) of Section 3 of Orissa Electricity Reform Act, 1995.
"PGCIL" means Power Grid Corporation of
India Ltd.
"Rules" means the Indian Electricity
Rules, 1956.
"SLDC" means State Load Despatch Centre
at Bhubaneswar.