The Managing Director of SOUTHCO replied to the various issues raised by
the objectors.
In its rejoinder to the above objections SOUTHCO stated that the Retail
Tariff application submitted by SOUTHCO to OERC is well within the provisions of OER Act
and Sixth Schedule of the Electricity Supply Act, 1948. The Distribution and Retail Supply
License also requires the Licensee to submit its revenue requirement for the ensuing
financial year to OERC. SOUTHCO have submitted the Revenue Requirement for 2000-01 and
have requested an adjustment in tariff to meet the revenue requirement. This is in
accordance with the Regulatory Frame Work prevailing in the State of Orissa.
Need for increase in energy charges
The proposed increase in tariff is based on a reasonably accurate estimate
of the revenue requirement of 2000-01. Audited accounts for the financial year 1999-00
have been made available to the commission. The projections given by SOUTHCO in its
retail tariff application are in line with the audited results for 1999-00. Since the
proposed tariff would be applicable for only part of the year, SOUTHCO will have a huge
deficit for the year 2000-01.
In order to ensure the viability of the power sector in the state of
Orissa, it is necessary to balance the interest of the licensee and at the same time
protect the consumers from a steep increase in tariff. The proposal submitted by SOUTHCO
has attempted to do the same.
A large number of LT consumers, however, continue to pay tariffs
significantly lower than their cost of supply. The process of cross-subsidisation has to
be gradually dispensed with due to socio-economic reasons. OERC has recognised the need to
bring the tariffs for all consumer categories to their respective costs of supply. In
order to avoid sharp increases in tariffs, the OERC has recognised that this process would
be completed over time, and that cross subsidies would continue to exist till such time.
The increases in energy charges asked for in our tariff proposal for
various categories of consumers is commensurate with the revenue requirement of SOUTHCO.
Loss Reduction SOUTHCO is committed to reduce distribution losses
and provide improved quality of services. SOUTHCO has already embarked on a comprehensive
metering plan and system improvement schemes to curb distribution losses and improve the
performance, the progress of which is reported to OERC. However, the benefit of all the
above would accrue only over a period of time. The distribution loss during the financial
year 2000-01 targeted to a level of 38% is a stiff target and forms a reasonable basis for
the tariff proposal. |
Consumer Services SOUTHCO is making sincere efforts for improving
consumer services and redressal of consumer grievances through its existing departmental
network and system. In this connection, efforts have been made to form village committees
and hold Bijli Adalats and for improvement of supply conditions as well as providing
proper metering for the benefit and satisfaction of the consumers. |
SOUTHCO would also like to clarify as under :
The objections raised in different paragraphs that proposed increase in
various categories is exorbitant is not correct. The application submitted by SOUTHCO
explains the said facts.
SOUTHCOs application has been submitted basing on the present BST
tariff and the question of resorting to high cost power does not arise.
The matter relating to improvement in supply conditions is to be
considered separately from the tariff application.
Emphasis is being given for installation of good quality meters with
extended guarantee period. SOUTHCO has, however not proposed any increase in existing
meter rent provisions which are quite reasonable.
The energy bills are being prepared and delivered as per regulations and
applicable tariff and no license conditions are being violated.