:: What's New ::
Tariff Proceedings for FY 2021-22
Resolution of disputed bills
Postponement of hearing of cases scheduled to be heard on
Press Release for WESCO Utility
Press Release for SOUTHCO Utility
Publication of notice in the matter of approval of Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) & Determination of Generation Tariff of OHPC power stations for the FY 2020-21 in terms of Sections 64 and 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003.
Public Notice for approval of levy of Grid Support Charges (GSC)
Final orders for 28.10.2020.
Interim Orders for 20.10.2020.
RST & Open Access Charges Order.
ARR & BSP Order.
Interim Orders for 22.09.2020.
Open Access Charges Notification for FY 2020-21 w.e.f from 1st October, 2020.
Retail Supply Tariff Notification for FY 2020-21 w.e.f from 1st October, 2020.
Bulk Supply Price of GRIDCO Ltd. Notification for FY 2020-21 w.e.f from 1st October, 2020.
Interim order of Cases 71/2019 & others for 19.09.2020.
Interim order of Cases 71/2019 & others for 16.09.2020.
Notice for Hearing on 19.09.2020.
GRIDCO's Application for re-determination of ARR & BSP for FY 2020-21.
Corringendum to the notice- Sale of Southco Utility.
Change in the dates in the bid process schedule for Sale of Utility of Licensee U/s 20 of the Electricity Act - WESCO Utility.
Change in the dates in the bid process schedule for Sale of Utility of Licensee U/s 20 of the Electricity Act - SOUTHCO Utility.
Interim & Final order for 04.08.2020 & 05.08.2020
Extension of date upto 25.08.2020 for inviting objection / suggestion on Draft OERC ( Terms & Conditions of Intra State Open Access) Regulations, 2020
Interim Orders for 28.07.2020
Interim Orders for 21.07.2020
Daily Cause List for 28.07.2020
Public Notice for hearing of CAPEX plan for FY 2020-21 of TPCODL including its DPR.
Inviting suggestions/opinions on the Draft OERC (Terms and Conditions of Intra State Open Access) Regulations, 2020.
Change in the dates in the bid process schedule for Sale of Utility of Licensee U/s 20 of the Electricity Act - NESCO Utility.
Change in the dates in the bid process schedule for Sale of Utility of Licensee U/s 20 of the Electricity Act - WESCO Utility.
Change in the dates in the bid process schedule for Sale of Utility of Licensee U/s 20 of the Electricity Act - SOUTHCO Utility.
Order on resolution of disputed bills (Reg. 157 of the OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2019).
Extension of last date of submission of application from eligible candidates for appointment to the two posts of Ombudsman (I&II) under OERC.
Tariff Notification for FY 2020-21.
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the two posts of Ombudsman (I&II) under OERC.
Explanatory Memorandum on Draft Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2020.
Extension of date 25.03.2020 for inviting objection / suggestion on OERC ( Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2020 under Section 181 (3) of the Electricity Act.
Change in the dates in the bid process schedule provided under Clause 4.9 of the RFP - NESCO Utility
Notice Inviting BIDS for the sale of WESCO
Notice Inviting BIDS for the sale of SOUTHCO
Publication for Draft OERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2020.
Publication for Draft OERC(Compensation to Victims of Electrical Accidents)Regulation, 2020.
Extension of period of applicability of Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2014
Change in the dates in the bid process schedule provided under Clause 4.9 of the RFP - NESCO Utility
Notification on RPO Industries having CGP
Changes to RFP No. ENGG/IT/26/2019 after Pre-Bid Meeting held on 19.12.2019
Tariff Proceedings for FY 2020-21
Sealed quotations are invited from intending Printers/Firms for printing of Odisha Gazette (New Supply Code of OERC) latest by 26.12.2019.
OERC invites bids to engage a Service Provider for modification, maintenance and hosting of its portal (www.orierc.org) along with mission-critical applications on Oracle for a period of 2 years. The last date of submission is 1500 hrs on 30.12.2019 at office of OERC.
Notice Inviting Bids for purchase of SOUTHCO, a Discom in Odisha U/s. 20 of the Electricity Act 2003.
Notice Inviting Bids for purchase of WESCO, a Discom in Odisha U/s. 20 of the Electricity Act 2003.
Change in the dates in the bid process schedule for Sale of Utility of Licensee U/s 20 of the Electricity Act - NESCO Utility.
Order on resolution of disputed bills (Reg. 157 of the OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2019)
OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2019
Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week at OERC
Applications are invited from suitable candidates for engagement as Senior Consultant (Law) in OERC purely on contract basis.
Notification for constitution of New SAC w.e.f 11.09.2019.
Previous publication for amendment of existing OERC (Licensees Standards of Performance) Regulation, 2004.
OERC invites EoI from Consultant/ Consultancy firm for revising the old Regulations and framing new Regulations
OERC invites applications for the post of Deputy Director (Financial Analyst) and Deputy Director (Engineering)
Change in the dates in the bid process schedule for Sale of Utility of Licensee U/s 20 of the Electricity Act - NESCO Utility
Invitation of quotations for Printing of Compendium of Tariff Order and Annual Report, FY 2019-20.
Rescheduling of the time of hearing for the Cases posted on 02.07.2019 from 11 A.M. to 2.30 P.M
Sale of Utility of Licensee U/s 20 of Electricity Act 2003 - NESCO Utility
Sale of Utility of Licensee U/s 20 of Electricity Act 2003 - WESCO Utility
Sale of Utility of Licensee U/s 20 of Electricity Act 2003 - SOUTHCO Utility
Sealed tenders are invited from reputed Security Agencies for providing Security Services to OERC.
Public Notice for hearing of Case No. 03/2019
Tariff Proceedings for FY 2019-20
Rescheduling of date of hearing for the Cases posted on 23.04.2019
OERC invites applications for the post of Commission Secretary to be filled by contract / deputation.
Tariff Hearing Agenda(Cause List)
Tariff Proceedings for FY 2019-20
Notice on selection process for empanelment of audit firms on Standards of Performance of DISCOMs.
Rescheduled date of Hearing on 09.10.2018
Sealed tenders are invited from reputed Security Agencies for providing Security Services to OERC.
Empanelment of Audit Firms for audit of the SoP of DISCOMs.
CESU Sale - Extension of date for bid submission
OERC invites sealed tenders for disposal of old furniture and other items at its office. Last date for submission of tender is 06.08.2018.
OERC invites sealed tenders from reputed firms for supply and installation of one Photocopier Machine and buy-back of two old photocopier machines existing in its office.
Public Notice for hearing of Case No. 33/2018 in pursuant to order dated 19.04.18 of Hon'ble Supreme court of India in Covil Appeal No. 9485/2017 for determination of Generation Tariff of OPGC's Unit-I & II for FY 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19
CESU Sale - Extension of date for bid submission
OERC invites sealed tenders for disposal of old furnitures and other items at its office. The last date for submission of tender is 21.05.2018.
Sealed tenders in two part bid basis are invited from intending Printers/Firms having minimum 3 years of experience in printing of Annual Reports/Souvenir/Journal etc for printing of Compendium of Tariff Order of OERC for the FY 2018-19 latest by 21.05.2018.
OERC invites sealed tenders from Service Providers for providing service towards maintenance of lawn, garden and potted plants in its office complex at Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar
Sealed tenders are invited from reputed firms for supply and installation of glass door (manual and openable type) at OERC's Office Complex at Sailashree Vihar, Bhubaneswar
CESU Sale - Extension of date for bid submission
Tariff Order for FY 2018-19
Gazette notification no. 332 on amendment to Sl. No. 4 of 'Schedule of Fees'.
Expression of Interest is invited from the agencies/persons for cataloging books/ periodicals (approximately 1500 nos.) of OERC library
OERC seeks opinion/ comments/ suggestions latest by 04.04.2018 on suo motu proceeding for finalization of tariff of Renewable Energy Sources in Odisha for the third control period 2017-18 to 2019-20
OERC invites sealed tenders from reputed firms for supply and installation of glass door (manual and openable type) at their Office Complex at Sailashree Vihar, Bhubaneswar
Extension of time for suggestion/opinions on the draft OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code 2017
Order on Net-metering / bi-directional metering and their connecting with respect to Solar PV Projects dt.19.08.2016 as amended up to 17.01.2018
Amendment of the order on Net Metering / Bi-directional Metering & their Connectivity with respect to Solar PV Projects dt.19.08.2016
Sale Process of NESCO utility, WESCO utility and SOUTHCO utility
Tariff Proceedings for FY 2018-19
Extension of time for suggestion/opinions on the draft OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code 2017
CESU Sale - Extension of Date for purchase of RFP document
First Appellate Authority, OERC order Dt. 02.11.2017 in Appeal No. 2 of 2017 of Sri Jogendra Panda
OERC invites opinion through this previous publication for framing of OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code 2017 u/s 181(3) of the Electricity Act, 2003
Suggestion/opinions invited on the proposed draft “Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission (Mini-Grid Renewable Energy Generation and Supply) Regulations, 2017”
CESU Bid - Extension of Date for Sale of Tender Documents and Last Date of Submission of Prebid Queries
Sealed tenders in two part bid basis are invited from intending Printers/Firms for printing of Compendium of Tariff Order of OERC for the FY 2017-18.
Inviting Bids for Selection of Purchaser for the CESU
Rescheduling of date of hearing for the
Cases posted on 12.09.2017
OERC invites Expression
of Interest from interested parties/organization latest by 15.09.2017 to represent
the interest of the consumers during the ARR & Tariff exercises of 2018-19 and 2019-20.
"Intimation for meeting on CESU
Sale Transaction (30-06-2017)"
" Time of hearing for the cases
scheduled on 02.05.17 and 09.05.17 has been rescheduled to 11 A.M. instead of 11.30
"OERC invites sealed
tenders from from the reputed manufacturers or their authorized dealers of Blue
Star / Hitachi / Voltas for supply, testing and commissioning Air Conditioners (23
nos.) in its office complex at Sailashree Vihar, Bhubaneswar"
"Tariff Notification for FY 2017-18"
"OERC invites
sealed tenders from Service Providers for providing service towards maintenance
of lawn, garden and potted plants in its office complex at Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar"
"OERC invites
sealed tenders from Service Providers for providing House Keeping Service in its
office complex at Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar"
"In continuation to
this office advertisement dt.05.12.2016, applications are invited from eligible
candidates for appointment to the posts of Ombudsman –I & II in OERC. Those who
have already applied against the earlier advertisement dt.05.12.2016 need not apply
again. The applications already received in this office prior to this notice shall
be taken into consideration"
"OERC invites sealed
tenders from the reputed firms for interior furnishing work of Pantry in its Office
"OERC invites sealed
tenders from the reputed firms for providing and fixing of Credenza Storage File
Cabinets at its Office Complex"
"OERC invites sealed
tenders from the reputed firms for supply and installation of glass door (automatic
and manual type) at its Office Complex"
"Tariff Proceedings for FY-2017-18"
"OERC invites
sealed tenders from the reputed manufacturers or their authorized dealers for supply,
testing and commissioning Projector and Screen in its office complex."
invites sealed tenders for disposal of 6 nos, of old Air Conditioners in working
condition at its office."
"OERC invites sealed
tenders for supply of Furniture for its office"
are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the posts of Ombudsman –I
& II in OERC"
"Non submission of status of cases"
"Extension of date for submitting
views / suggestions on the Amendment to OERC (Procurement of Energy from Renewable
Sources and its Compliance) Regulations, 2015"
"OERC invites sealed
tenders for disposal of 11 nos, of old Air Conditioners in working condition at
its office."
"Extension of submission of bid date for CESU disinvestment"
"Extension of date for submitting views/
suggestions on consultative paper on Pricing of Surplus CGPs Power"
"Sale of Utility of Licensee U/s 20 of
Electricity Act 2003 – Date Extended for Sale of RFP and Submission of bids"
invited on the Amendment to the Regulation 4.2 of “OERC(Procurement of Energy from
Renewable Sources and its Compliance) Regulations, 2015"
"Consultative Paper on Pricing of Surplus power from CGPs to be procured by GRIDCO"
" Quotations are invited from Courier Agencies
having wide range of operations"
" Order on Net
Metering / Bi-directional Metering & their Connectivity with respect to Solar PV
Projects (dated 19.08.2016)"
" Expression of Interest
from interested parties/organization to represent the interest of the consumers
during the ARR & Tariff exercise of 2017-18."
"OERC invites sealed
tenders from the reputed manufacturers or their authorized dealers for supply, testing
and commissioning Public Address System in its conference hall "
"Quotations are
invited from Courier Agencies"
"Notice Inviting
Bids for Selection of Purchaser for the CESU covering the Distribution & Retail
Supply of Electricity in the electrical circles of Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Paradeep
and Dhenkanal in the State of Odisha."
'Invitation of application for the post of Chairperson / Member,
Odisha Electricity regulatory Commission (OERC)'
'Sale of Utility of Licensee U/s 20 of
Electricity Act 2003'
"Notification on shifting of
OERC to its new Office Complex at Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar"
"Notice Inviting Expression
of Interest from interested investors for purchase of the Distribution Licensee
covering the distribution circles of Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Paradeep, and Dhenkanal
in the state of Odisha u/s 20 of the Electricity Act, 2003 "
"Inauguration of New Office
Building Complex of OERC at Chandrasekharpur by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Odisha,
Shri Naveen Patnaik"
“ Notification on Open
Access Charges (Case Nos. 61, 62, 63 & 64 of 2015 ) for FY 2016-17 ”
‘ Open Access Order for FY-2016-17 ’
to Regulations 80(5)(i) of OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004 0n
21st December 2015 (Gazette No.- 152, dated 21st January, 2016)"
"Odisha Grid Code (OGC) Regulations,
"OERC invites
sealed tenders from Service Providers for providing House Keeping Service at their
newly constructed office complex at Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar"
"OERC invites sealed
tenders from Service Providers for providing service towards maintenance of lawn,
garden and potted plants at their newly constructed office complex at Chandrasekharpur,
"OERC invites
sealed quotations for supply and installation of five star rated Ceiling Fans at
their newly constructed office complex at Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar"
" Public Notice and petitions of DISCOMs
on Open Access Charges for FY-2016-17 "
"Public Notice for Hearing on Tariff
FY 2016-17"
"Tariff Proceedings for FY 2016-17"
"OERC invites
sealed tenders from the reputed manufacturers or their authorized dealers for supply
of Vertical Blinds at their newly constructed office complex at Chandrasekharpur,
"OERC invites sealed
tenders from the reputed manufacturers or their authorized dealers for supply of
LED Lighting System at their newly constructed office complex at Chandrasekharpur,
invites sealed tenders for supplying, installing, testing and commissioning Wireless
Network Solution at their newly constructed office complex at Chandrasekharpur,
""Extension of date up to 30.11.2015
for inviting objection/suggestion on OERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related
Matters) Regulations, 2015"
"Suggestion/opinions on the Amendment to the
Regulation 80 (5) (i) of OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004"
"Gazette Notification of OERC (Procurement
of Energy Renewable Sources and its Compliance) Regulations, 2015"
"Public notice inviting views/suggestions/objections on the proposed
OERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) Regulations, 2015"
"2nd Amendment of the
Order on Net Metering / Bi-directional Metering and their connectivity with respect
to Rooftop Solar PV Projects on the rooftop of Government/ PSU owned buildings"
"Rescheduling of date of hearing for the Cases
posted on 28.08.2015 to 01.09.2015"
"Information sought from twenty Bidders whose bids were opened on 30th July, 2015
against the Tender for Design, Supply, Installation (Erection), Testing, Commissioning
and O&M for 25 KWp Solar PV Power Plant Systems dt.27.06.2015"
and Clarifications to the Tender Document for Design, Supply, Installation (Erection),
Testing, Commissioning, including Warranty and Operation & Maintenance for a period
of 5 years for 25 KWp Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Systems dt.27.06.2015"
"Sealed tenders are invited
for Design, Supply, Installation (erection), Testing, Commissioning including Warranty
and Operation & Maintenance for 25 KWp Solar Photo Voltaic Power Plant System on
roof top of its office complex at Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar from manufacturers
or authorized dealers/firms." "
"Sealed tenders are
invited for supplying, installing, testing
and commissioning Air Conditioning System at OERC's newly constructed office complex
at Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar."
" Tender call notice for 10 KVA UPS
System with Tubular Battery"
" "Sealed tenders are invited for supplying,
installing, testing and commissioning Fire Hydrant System in the office complex
of OERC at Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar."
"Sealed tenders
are invited from reputed Interior Contractors for the interior furnishing work of
its newly constructed office complex of OERC at Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar."
" Order on Net Metering / Bi-directional
Metering and their connectivity with respect to Rooftop Solar PV Projects on the
rooftop of Government/ PSU owned buildings "
"Advertisement for filling
up the post of Joint Director (Tariff),Deputy Director (Personnel & Administration)
and Deputy Director (Financial Analyst) "
"Invitation for Expression of Interest for appointment of
an Advisor for selection of Investor"
" Public notice on an application for review of Retail
Supply Tariff for FY 2015-16 filed by Department of Energy, Govt. of Odisha".
Amendment to Sl. No. 4 (a), (b) & (c) of Schedule of Fees
on 17th January 2015
(Gazette No.- 306, dated 28th February, 2015)
Tariff Order for FY 2015-16
'Highlights of Tariff for FY 2015-16'
'Revocation of Licences issued to NESCO,WESCO & SOUTHCO
in Case No. 55/2013.'
' Appointment of Administrator under Section 20(d)
of Electricity Act.'
" Rescheduling of hearing date of Tariff
applications of GRIDCO & SLDC for FY 2015-16 "
" Submissions of DISCOMs on OERC (Terms and conditions
for determination of Wheeling Tariff and Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations , 2014
"Public Notice for Hearing (Tariff Proceedings for FY
"Summary of ARR & Tariff filling for FY-2015-16"
"Extension of date upto 10.02.2015
for inviting objection / suggestion on OERC (Procurement of Energy from Renewable
Sources and its Compliance) Regulations, 2014"
"Public Notice and petitions of DISCOMs on Open Access Charges
for FY-2015-16"
of final OERC ( Terms and Conditions for Determination of Wheeling Tariff and Retail
Supply Tariff ) Regulations, 2014 in Odisha Gazette"
"Publication of final OERC ( Terms and conditions for
Determination of Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 2014 in Odisha Gazette"
"Tariff Proceedings for FY 2015-16."
Objection / Suggestion
invited on draft OERC (Procurement of Energy from Renewable Sources and its Compliance)
Regulations, 2014.
Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination
of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2014 Notified on 10.10.2014
notice soliciting suggestion/opinions on the Amendment to the Regulation 80 (5)
(i) of OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004."
"'INFORMATION SYSTEM on Ombudsman & GRF Orders' was inaugurated by Shri S. P. Nanda,
Chairperson, OERC in august presence of Members, OERC & Members, State Advisory
Committee (SAC) on 15th October, 2014. This System can be accessed on this page
under the heading 'Cases'".
on order in Case Nos. 16, 17 ,18 & 23 of 2014 with regard to approval of Open Access
Charges (Transmission/wheeling Charges, Surcharge and Additional Surcharge applicable
to open access customers for use of Intra-state transmission/ distribution system)"
" Expression of Interest for installation
of Roof Top Solar PV Panels on turnkey basis on the roof top of OERC Office Complex
at Chandrasekharpur, Bhuabaneswar."
" Notice U/s 19(3) on 13.05.2013 issued to NESCO,WESCO
" Public Notice and petitions of DISCOMs on Open Access
Charges for FY 2014-15"
""OERC, Bhubaneswar invites applications from OEM’s
/ sole authorised agencies for the work of supply and installation of passenger
lift (6 persons) for its own office complex at Chandrasekharpur Bhubaneswar""
"Previous Publication
of Revised OERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation Tariff) Regulations,
"Tariff Order for FY 2014-15 ."
"Press Release on Tariff Order for FY
"Publication of Tariff Order for FY 2014-15
(Odia /
"OERC invites applications from OEMs / Sole authorisedagencies
for supply and maintenance of passenger lift(6 Persons) for its new office complex
atChandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar"
"Cost Data of OPTCL approved by the Commission
for the FY 2013- 14"
"Shri Hemant Sharma, CMD, Gridco/Optcl is appointed
as Chairman of Board of Management, Cesu"
Commission invites views/suggestions/objections from persons/institutions/organizations
on the proposed OERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff)
Regulations, 2014"
“The Commission invite suggestions/opinions through
this previous publication from interested persons/institutions/associations on the
Odisha Grid Code Regulations”
“Performance of Discoms for FY 2012-13”
“Public Notice for Hearing on Tariff FY 2014-15”
"Summary of ARR & Tariff filling
for FY-2014-15"
"Tariff Proceedings for FY 2014-15 ."
"Invitation of offer for Annual
Maintenance Contract of ACs"
"Dept. of Energy, Govt. of Odisha
invites applications for the post of Member, OERC"
publication for OERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Wheeling Tariff
and Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations, 2013."
"Public Notice on sou-motu proceeding for
finalization of generic tariff of Renewable Energy Sources including Cogeneration
for the second control period from 2013-14 to 2017-18 "
"Advertisement for appointment of
Ombudsman - I & II under OERC"
"Previous publication for OERC (Terms
and Conditions for Determination of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2013"
"Cost Data approved by the Commission for the FY
2013- 14"
"Notification on reconstitution
of State Advisory Committee (SAC)"
"Quotation Call Notice"
"Expression of Interest (EOI)
for engagement of Consultant / Consulting Firm"
"Tender call notice for sale
of one Ambassador Car"
"Expression of Interest (EOI) for empanelment
/ appointment of Actuary for valuation of terminal liabilities of licensees in Odisha."
"Publication of Notice under section
15 (5) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for grant of Transmission License for undertaking
of Intra-State transmission in the State of Odisha by M/s. Kalinga Bidyut Prasaran
Nigam Pvt. Ltd."
"Advertisement for filling up the post of Joint
"Corrigendum to BSP Order for FY 2013-14 in Case No.
"Highlights of Tariff for FY 2013-14
(English /
"Tariff Orders for FY 2013-14 "
"Amendments of the
OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004 "
to the Public Notice - Hearing on ARRs of OHPC and GRIDCO rescheduled
for grant of Transmission License filed by M/s Kalinga Bidyut Prasaran Nigam Private
Ltd. (a joint venture between M/s PGCIL and M/s OPTCL u/s 15(2) of the Electricity
Act, 2003) "
"Suggestion/opinions on the Amendment to the Regulation
80 (5) (i) & (ii) of OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004
of the time of hearing for the Cases posted on 15.12.2012 from 11 A.M. to 3 P.M
"Advertisement for
filling up the post of Director(Engineering) "
Notice for hearing on Case No. 91 of 2012 " (For Details Click Here)
Sale Notice for 17 nos. of Air-Conditioners "
date for receipt of application for the post of Director(Tariff) & Deputy Director(P&A)
extended upto 20.10.2012 "
for Bids for construction of OERC's Office Complex
ITariff Proceedings
for FY 2012-13
for filling up the post of Director(Tariff) & Deputy Director(P&A)
"OERC is going to adopt
the e-Tendering process through the Odisha Govt. portal (www.tenderorissa.gov.in)
call notice for sale of one Ambassador Car "
on 'Development of Grid connected Sni/Micro Hydel Projecs in the State of Odisha'
organised by WAPCOS and OERC at Hotel Swosti Premium , Bhubaneswar on 5th September,
2012 "
on order in Case Nos.5, 6, 7 & 8 of 2011 and Case Nos.24,25,26 & 27 of 2012 with
regard to approval of Open Access Charges (Transmission/wheeling Charges, Surcharge
and Additional Surcharge applicable to open access customers"
Order in Case Nos.5, 6, 7 & 8 of 2011 and Case Nos.24,25,26 & 27 of 2012 with regard
to approval of Open Access Charges (Transmission/wheeling Charges, Surcharge and
Additional Surcharge applicable to open access customers"
Public Notice on One Time Settlement (OTS) Scheme "
" Preparation of bill by DISCOMs for the unbilled
amount of the Domestic consumers pertaining to FY 2011-12 "
"Publc Notice
on suo motu proceeding under Regulation 70 (1) of OERC (Conduct of Business) Regulation,
2004 for implementation of ‘Take or Pay’ Tariff for HT and EHT Industries with guaranteed
load factor"
Notice on 'Consultative Paper setting out the Principles of Multi-Year Tariff (MYT)
for the third control period from 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2017'"
"An application
of M/s OPTCL for levy of Grid Support Charges (GSC) for the Captive Generating Plants
running in parallel with the grid of the Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.
of Chief Executive Officer at CESU - Applications Invited"
"Appointment of Chief Operating Officer at CESU -
Applications Invited"
"Sealed tenders are invited
for "TURN-KEY CONTRACT" from Manufacturers/System Integration Agency Companies/Consortium/Suppliers
of Solar PV Systems in the country"
Corrigendum to Retail Supply Tariff
Order for CESU, NESCO, WESCO and SOUTHCO for FY 2012-13
Tariff Order for FY 2012-13
Press Release on Tariff Order for FY 2012-13 (Odia
/ English)
Tariff Notification for FY 2012-13
Recruitment for the post of
Director(Regulatory Affairs)
Odisha Power Sector
At a Glance As On September 2011
IN CASE NOS. 140-143/2009 & 146-149/2010 (ON REMAND)
A short note (in Odia) on the Order
on re-determination of cross-subsidy in tariff (the complete order given below)
Order on re-determination of cross-subsidy
in tariff as per Order of Hon’ble ATE in Appeal Nos. 102, 103 & 112 of 2010 dtd.
30.05.2011 and Appeal No. 57, 67-73 of 2011 dtd. 02.09.2011 and Order dtd. 30.09.2011
of Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No.8093 of 2011
In the matter of an application u/S.86 of
the Electricity Act, 2003 read with S.11(1)(e) of the OER Act, 1995 for approval
of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) executed between GRIDCO and OPGC for purchase
of power from 3rd & 4th Unit of OPGC
Suo-motu proceeding
for re-determination of generic tariff in respect of Solar PV and Solar Thermal
Recruitment for the post of Senior Consultant(Law)
Public Notice on BIO-Mass
An application of M/s.Bhushan Power & Steel Ltd. under S.86 (1)
(e) of the Electricity Act.2003 read with Regulation 8,9,& 10 of OERC (Conduct of
Business ) Regulations,2004.
For re-determination of
tariff on cross-subsidy for different categories of consumers for FY 2010-11 and
OERC Order (Protocol) on Power Regulation
Summary of the important suggestions/recommendations made
in the 5th meeting of the State Advisory Committee held on 11.11.2011 at 04.00 PM
Hearing on issue of Cross-Subsidiary in determination of Retail
Supply Tariff for different categories of consumers for the FY 2010-11 and 2011-12
as per Order dated 30.09.2011 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal
No. 8093 of 2011
Expression of Interest for appointment of Compliance
Tender Notice for Supply of Office Stationeries/
Sanitary Materials
Final Order on
Case No. 64/2011 - Suo Moto Proceeding initiated by the Commission on the Consultative
Paper on Odisha Power Sector to meet the Power Demand of the State upto 2016-17
(till the end of 12th Plan)
Final order passed in Case No 28,29.107&108 of 2010
Souvenir released on the occasion of Seminar organised
by OERC on its Foundation Day (01-08-2011)
OERC is organizing a Seminar on 'Technology: Enabling the
Transformation of Power Distribution' at 10.00 AM on 01.08.2011 at Mayfair Convention,
Tender notice for procurement
of HP Laser printer
Tender notice for procurement of
Quick Heal Antivirus software
Application(s) under Clause 1.8 of
OGC Regulations, 2006 to extent time exemption for installation of PLCC/SCADA equipments
upto the nearest SCADA points
Tender notice for Printing of Annual
Report of OERC for the FY 2010-11 latest by 05.08.2011
Expression of Interest (EOI) for empanelment
/ appointment of Actuary for valuation of terminal liabilities of licensees in Orissa
Minutes of Performance Review for
FY 2010-11
Draft Consultative
Paper on Odisha Power Sector to meet the Power Demand of the State upto 2016-17
(till the end of 12th Plan)
Tender Call Norice for sale of Vehicle
Suo motu proceeding on RST for FY 2011-12 in Case No.44
of 2011
Suo-Motu Proceeding for framing of
Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission (Demand Side Management) Regulation, 2011.
Public notice in Case No. 25/2011 (Arising out
of Case Nos. 146,147,148 & 148/2010)
Obituary - Deena Krishna Satapathy,
Ex-Ombudsman (Electricity), Odisha
notice & Salient feature of PPA between GRIDCO & OHPC in case no 16/2011
Direction of OERC as regards
to suspension of license of NESCO,WESCO and SOUTHCO
Order passed in Case No: 35/2005 on
Notice for supply of good quality Conference Chairs
Tender Call
Notice for Hiring of Translators
Tariff Orders for FY 2011-12
Critical Issues and Road ahead for Power Sector in Odisha (English /
Gazette notification
on designating OREDA as State Agency for accreditation and recommending the RE projects
for registration and to undertake functions under the OERC (Renewable and Co-generation
Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulation 2010
Gist of Proceedings of OERC Workshop on "Improvement
of Quality of Supply, Financial Viability of the Distribution Sector vis-a-vis Franchise
Operation in Orissa" on 05-01-2011
Case no 03/2011 IN THE MATTER OF: Provision of Revenue Subsidy for sustainability
of Rural Electricity Supply in villages being electrified under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen
Vidyutikaran Yojna
notice for supply of computers (Lenovo Think centre)
Previous publication for OERC(Demand
Side Management) Regulations, 2011 alongwith the Consultative Paper on DSM
Tender notice for supply of computer
peripherals & Inkjet/Toner Cartridges
tenders are invited for printing of Compendium of Tariff Order of OERC for the FY
Reconstitution of the Utility Advisory Committee(UAC)
WORKSHOP ON “Public Participation for Improvement in Quality of
Supply and Financial Viability of the Distribution Sector vis-à-vis Franchisee Operation
in Odisha” at Hotel Crown on 05.01.2011
Public notice for Hydro
Salient features of PPA for Hydro Electric
Applications invited
for appointment to the posts of Ombudsman-I & II
Public notice and notification for amendment of Regulation-77, 2nd
Para of Clause 4 of Appendix-1 & Regulation-2(f)(1) of OERC Distribution (Conditions
of Supply) Code, 2004
Public Notice on "Previous publication for Amendment to the Regulation
7(c)(iii) of OERC (Terms and Conditions of Determination of Tariff) Regulation,
Order on designating the State Agency for accreditation and recommending renewable
energy projects and subsequent notification
Practice Direction
on "Development of Grid Connected Small/Mini/Micro Hydel Projects in the State of
Expressions of Interest(EoI) for engagement of Consumer Counsel for professional
and systematic analysis of ARR/Tariff proposals of licensees/generating companies
for FY 2011-12 (Extension of Date to 20-10-2010)
Order on finalization
of OERC (Renewable Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulations, 2010 in
accordance with Ss.61,66&86(1)(e) of the Electricity Act, 2003
Tender notice for supply of Office stationeries and sanitary materials
Notice inviting views/suggestions on PPAs signed between OHPC and GRIDCO
Order on Renewable energy
Tender call notice for sale of two Ambassador car
of Interest for "Assisting the OERC in evaluating the Standards of Performance of
Electricity Distribution Companies (Licensees)."
Public Notice on "Previous publication
for amendment of existing OERC (Licensee’s Standard of Performance) Regulation,
Expressions of Interest(EoI) for engagement of Consumer Counsel for professional
and systematic analysis of ARR/Tariff proposals of licensees/generating companies
for FY 2011-12
Tender notice for procurement of computer peripherals & Inkjet/Toner Cartridges
notice for procurement Anti Virus Software
Order on Intra-State ABT
(Phase-I) (Case No. 50 / 2010) in real time mode with commercial implication in
the State of Orissa
Tender for Engagement of Security
Tariff for Power Procurement by the Distribution licensee/GRIDCO in State of Orissa
from Grid Interactive Solar Photovoltaic Power Projects under Rooftop PV and Small
Solar Generation Programmes(RPSSGP) announced by MNRE, GOI.
Tariff Proceedings
for FY 2011-12
Tender for
Printing of OERC Regulations
Development of Renewable Energy Policy
in the State of Orissa and Determination of Tariff for Renewable Sources of Energy
including Cogeneration
Tender Notice for procurement
of laser printer.
Sealed offers invited for supply of reputed
Tender notice for
procurement of Digital Camera
Tender notice for procurement
of computer peripherals
Tender Call Notice
for sale of Vehicle
State Advisory Committee - Notification
on 17th May, 2010
Keeping Operation of Order (Protocol) on
Power Regulation in the State under suspension.
publication for amendment of Regulation 10 and 13 (10) (b) existing OERC Distribution
(Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004
Application for Approval of open access charges
for FY-2010-11
Review of Order (Protocol) on Power Regulation
in the State vide Commissioner’s Order dtd. 14.01.2010 in Case No. 01/2010.
Order on
Approval of Business Plan for the FY 2008-09 to FY 2012-13 (Case No. 41, 42 & 43/2007
and Case No. 22/2008)
Inviting suggestions / opinions
on the proposed OERC (Fees and Charges of State Load Despatch Centre and other related
matters) Regulations, 2010.
OERC invites EOI (Expression of Interest) from
reputed Consulting Firms / Merchant Bankers for appointment of an Advisor to assist
in the selection of Investor/s for transfer of ownership and/or management of Central
Electricity Supply Utility of Orissa (CESU)
Invitation of applications
for appointment to the post of Chief Operating Officer (COO), Central Electricity
Supply Utility (CESU), Bhubaneswar on contract basis
Notification of CESU Board Chairman
Application filed by Gridco for review
of Commission's Order dtd. 14.01.2010 passed in Case No. 1/2010 (On Power Regulation
in State)
Press Release on Tariff Order FY 2010-11
Notification on Tariff for FY 2010-11
(effective from 1st April, 2010)
Public Notice on Previous
publication for OERC (Renewable Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulation,
Tender call notice for sale
of one Ambassador Car
Sealed tenders invited
for printing of Compendium of Tariff Order of OERC
Quotation invited for translation
of documents/orders from English to Oriya.
Souvenir released during WORKSHOP on
Tariff Setting vis-à-vis Sustainable Development of Power Sector in Orissa on 5th
January, 2010
Order dated 14.01.2010 U/S 23 of Electricity Act'2003 on power regulation in the
WORKSHOP ON “Tariff Setting vis-à-vis Sustainable
Development of Power Sector in Orissa” at Hotel Swosti Premium, Bhubaneswar on 5th
January, 2010
Short tender call notice for printing of Souvenir
Public Notice on "Concept Paper
on Reassessment of Design Energy of Hydro Power Stations under OHPC"
Public Notice
on "Tariff for newly created Consumer Categories i.e. Allied Agricultural Activities,
Allied Agro-Industrial Activities
Order on Sale of Surplus Power from CGP
Notification on fixing of fees
for filing of petitions or applications before the Commission
"Amendment of Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004 on 19-10-09"
Public Notice on "Consultative
Paper on MYT"
Public Notice on 'Consultative Staff Paper on
Power Regulation in the State of Orissa'
of CESU Chairman |
suggestions/opinions for amendment of Regulation-80(5), 80(6), 76(3) & 76(4) OERC
Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004. |
Notice for printing of Annual Report of OERC |
Order on PPAs of 13 IPPs
- Case Nos. 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45 and 46 of 2008 |
Notice regarding determination of tariff for Solar Grid connected PV Power in Orissa
(Case Nos. 62, 96, 97 & 98 of 2009) |
Open Access Charges w.e.f. 01.04.2009 (Notification
/ Detailed Order)
Tender Specification for rate contract
for supply of office stationaries/computer peripherals/electrical items/sanitary
items for the year 2009-10
Public Notice on 'Application filed by Confederation
of Captive Power Plants of Orissa (CCPPO) to grant permission for lease line data
communication facility to the Captive Generating Plants (C.No.2/ 2009)'.
Quotation call for hosting portal of OERC
(www.orierc.org) along with mission-critical applications on Oracle.
Suggestions/Opinions on the proposed Amendment of Orissa
Grid Code with regard to Generation Operation Metering (Regulation 10.3) - Case
No. 60/2009
Public notice for invitation
of views/suggestions/objections on Application of M/s. Solitaire Energies Pvt. Ltd.
(subsidiary of Moser Baer Clean Energy Ltd.) regarding fixation of Tariff for Solar
Grid connected PV power in Orissa